King's Business - 1936-09


September, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Would they put Paul in prison again? Would they beat him until his poor body bled? Would they throw him out of the city? Would he have to hide to escape them? All of these things had happened before. Would they happen again? God knew how Paul felt. God knew that Paul’s body was very tired and that he needed to be encouraged. God came to him in a vision. He said: “ Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city,” Then Paul was not afraid. For a year and six months he stayed on and preached to the people of Corinth. Objects: Four large darning needles, and a large magnet. (Cover the magnet with white paper and paste a red cross on the side. Before the lesson, allow two of the needles to become magnetized through contacting each of the prongs of the mag­ net. Let the two needles touch each other in the contact.) Lesson: By looking at these four needles, do you think that you can tell which two are like Christians and which are like unsaved people? No, I am sure that you cannot tell by just looking at them separately, but you can tell when you see how they behave toward each other. When you see how they act, you will have no difficulty in telling which are like Christians. These first two cling together. They seem to love each other. What do you think could be the reason for their unusual attraction for each other? “ They have touched a magnet.” You are right. They were once as lifeless Object Lesson L iving and L oving

changed them. They were once as lifeless as these other needles. The contact with this magnet changed them. The magnet is white and has a red cross on the side. It reminds us of the Lord Jesus Christ. When a person comes to Him, and accepts Him as Saviour, that person has an entirely different attitude toward others. These needles remind me o f the Apostle Paul and his friends, Aquila and Priscilla. They

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V ic e -P r e s .

S e c .-M g r .


all knew Christ as Saviour and were attracted to one another, just as Christians today are attracted to each other. These other needles remind me of un­ saved people. Notice, they have no attrac­ tion for each other. They are cold and life­ less. They are like people who, not having come to Christ as Saviour, think it is very strange that Christians have such affec­ tion and attraction for one another. If these people would only come to Christ, accept Him as their Sàviour, and receive a new heart, they, too, would love others. Perhaps there are those here this morn­ ing who have never accepted Christ as Saviour, and who consequently do not love God’s people. Would you like to take Christ as your Saviour? You will then have thé j oy o f knowing that your sins are forgiven, and you will have a real love for others.

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Ç ir ls ’ QUERY CORNER Conducted by M yrtle E . S cott

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Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks St., W est H o l l y w o o d , Calif., and a stamped en­ velope should be en­ closed for reply. No name will appear with: the questions chosen i f o r p u b l i c a t i o n . 1

HOW TO EARN MON E Y For yourself, S. S. Class or Society and do a fine Christian work. Sell EGER- MIER’S BIBLE STORY BOOK. $1.00 profit on $2.95 sale. Pleasant work. Send for free information. WESTERN SALES SERVICE P. 0. Box 434, Dept. K, Berkeley, Calif. I fWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW^WWWW% ► i I L. L. L eg ters’ Newest < : latest booklet "PARTAKERS” : ► 25c Each . . . . A lso ^ ^ God’s Provision for Victorious Living. ^ ► Sim plicity o f the S p i r i t - F i l l e d Life. < ► Union with Christ. God’s Fellow-W orkers, i ► A Ç I f f ° r y ° ur free cop y : Legters’ < ►HOft t r a c t — w i t h t h i s o r d e r , i * B I OLA BOOK ROOM « ► 560 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif, i ► <

Where a friend o f girls pre­ sents the girls’ best Friend

have begged God to help me, but I cannot seem to live the life within that I know He wants His people to live. I grow discour­ aged, and at times I am ready to despair of ever being the kind of Christian that I know He wants me to be. Why does the Lord not answer such prayers, for they must be according to His will?— A n xio u s . My dear "Anxious” :. Have you ever seen your photograph in the seventh chapter of Romans? That chapter not onlv describes Paul’s expe­ rience at one stage of his spiritual life, but it describes your experience as well. As you read it you will see that the writer was really zealous for godliness; he longed for an inward life of holiness and victory. Outwardly, Paul had conformed to the letter of the law in an unusual way, even before becoming a Christian. Paul’s

Dear Miss Scott: I have read with much interest your an­ swers to girls’ questions, and I have been much helped by them. After all, most of us have about the same problems to solve. Mine is one that is common, I am sure, but none the less serious for me. I am a Christian, and a teacher of a large Bible class. I try to live a consistent Christian life, and I do nothing deliberately that I think would be displeasing to the Lord, such as taking part in worldly or question­ able pleasures. Where I fail, though, is in things that seem to be beyond my control— a jealous and envious disposition, a quick temper, and things o f that sort. I have learned to control my temper, under some circumstances, but sometimes it bursts out almost before I realize it. I am truly grieved over this, and have wept much about it. I have tried and tried, and I

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