King's Business - 1936-09


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

September, 1936

trouble could not be remedied through the exercise of will power. He needed to find the secret of a miracle life. God’s standard for the Christian is higher than we can at­ tain through exerting our most earnest effort, and even through looking to Him for help. We may be sure that the writer of Romans 7 had tried and had prayed much with real agony of soul. It is well that you and I reach the place of longing for help and yearning for growth, for otherwise we would not press on to the deeper things of God. But God does not intend that we should remain at that point. The glorious message which He has given us concerns the “much more” salvation (cf. Rom. 5:10). His sal­ vation provides deliverance from the power o f sin—all sin. It is salvation for the life as well as for the soul, for the present as well as for the future. Paul found the secret, and in Romans 8 shares it with us—a life lived by walking in the Spirit. Thus, it is not Christ’s helping us that brings victory, but Christ’s living His life in us and through us. The Spirit-filled Christian mentioned in Ephesians 6 :13 is not told to go out and fight and do the best that he can; he is told to “stand.” W e need but stand on our position of victory in Christ. “ Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Eph. 6:10). “Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God” (Rom. 6:11). To “reckon” means to “count on,” to believe in a work as being finished which God has said is finished. “Yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead” (Rom. 6 :13). When you meet these condi­ tions, you can claim Him as your victory. This theme is too large a subject to enter into fully here, but if you will read the book of Romans prayerfully with this thought in mind, I feel sure that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you God’s victory within. He will show you the victory that will not merely enable you to control your temper and envious disposition, but He will work such a miracle in your heart that these things will be taken away. In their place the fruit o f the Spirit will be evident (Gal. 5:22, 23). The Romance of the American Bible Society B y G eorge W illiam B rown G eneral S ecretary “Mule litter was the mode o f conveyance . . . the food was coarse . . . prayer wheels . . . men and women measuring their length in the dust. . . to obtain some bless­ ing from idols . . . the people bought Books readily . . . all strongholds must yield to the power o f our Lord.” These are some of the romantic touches found in a recent report o f a worker of the American Bible Society in Central China. Penetrating more than forty countries, and distributing annually from 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 volumes of Scriptures in up­ wards o f 175 languages, is an enterprise crowded with romance. There is romance when a single one of the Society’s more than twenty agencies works under ten different flags, and deals not only in dollars but in pesos, colonies, bolivars, and many other kinds of money. There is romance in a report from Portuguese­ speaking Brazil which contains such a statement as this: “By nineteen faithful, untiring colporteurs, who traveled 20,000 miles on foot, on horseback, in oxcart, by canoe, automobile . . . the Bible was

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carried— from house to house, into stores, hospitals, military barracks and camps, to the farm house and the remotest mud hut among distant hills and $ n j;(|ar-away plains.” - ?'f'' There is romance in sharing in the ted­ ious but fascinating labor which steadily increases the number o f languages in which the Bible may be obtained. There is romance in helping to prepare a New Testament for a people who never wrote letters or read books or had an alphabet until a missionary group worked among them for a decade in reducing their language to written form. More than mere printing problems are involved in publishing the Scriptures in upwards of 175 languages annually. Some­ times the books must be boxed in tin con­ tainers to make them impervious to salt water. When an edition o f a million Penny Portions is needed, the processes must be analyzed so as to produce a volume that is just as attractive as it is inexpensive. Braille-written letters, filled with pathos but contagiously cheerful, are answered by passing on the good word to the blind that volumes of Scriptures in embossed form for fingertip reading are obtainable at a price far below their actual cost. There is romance tinged with urgency when it is learned that 2,953 out of 7,646 homes visited by one worker within a year had no Bibles, and when another worker finds a family who for four generations never owned a Bible. These discoveries were made, not on the edge o f a primeval forest nor in the neglected interior of a far-away continent, but in our own United States. The fact that half of the world lives in Bible-less homes confronts those charged with carrying the Book of books to the uttermost parts of the earth, with a chal­ lenge solemnizing as well as romantic. Publishing the Scriptures in a wide variety of forms is a task whose glory comes not from colorful adventures and interesting narratives, but from lives changed and enriched by intimacy with the Christ of God described so fully on the pages of the supreme Book of the ages.

The problem of where to place their money has been solved for many people by the American Bible Society. Its annuity plan provides what most people want . . . safety, a generous return, regularity of income. Let us tell you of this plan which has worked for nearly ninety years without a single loss to any annuity holder, and with every payment sent promptly when due. And in addition to producing peace of mind there is the personal satisfaction of helping in the important work of dis­ tributing the Bible throughout the world. The booklet **A G ift That Lives ” explains the plan. •MAILTHIS COUPONTODAY. | AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Bible House, N.Y. | Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-54 entitled "A Gift That Lives.”

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