King's Business - 1936-09

September) 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


OCTOBER 18, 1936 THE SERIOUSNESS OF DIVORCE M atthew 19:1-9 Meditation on the Lesson

From the depths of a heart radiant with love for his Master and burdened with the souls o f men, Paul cries out to rouse us from our lethargy and spiritual indolence. The church of the living God is silenced by the apostle’s piercing questions. How can the heathen call on One about whom they have not heard? How can they hear unless we who know the God of salvation tell them of Him? And why have we so long denied those perishing millions the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour ? This places the responsibility right where it be­ longs—on the church, that is, on you and me. Paul quotes Isaiah: “How beautiful are the feet o f them that preach th e1 gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” What a privilege to bear the glad tidings! Will you not be obedient to our Lord’s command, “Go ye” ? Would you have the joy o f leading men to Christ? Tell your Master that you will gladly la­ bor in His vineyard. Yes, Lord, “Here am I ; send me.” Helps for the Leader I. W asps and M en Huber, the great naturalist, tells us that if a single wasp discovers a deposit of honey or other food, he will return to his nest, and impart the good news to his companions, who will sally forth in great numbers to partake of the fare which has been discovered for them. Shall we who have found honey in the rock Christ Jesus, be less considerate of our fellow men than wasps are o f their fellow insects? Ought we not rather, like the Samaritan woman, to hasten to tell the good news? Com­ mon humanity should prevent one of us from concealing the great discovery which grace has enabled us to make. — C harles H addon S purgeon . II. A re Y ou R e a d y ? Who are likely to be called to mission­ ary work? 1. Those who know Christ as Saviour and who love Him sincerely. Full-time Christian service is one profession which demands utter consecration to the cause itself. 2. Those who are prepared, or who can become prepared, by education, practical church work, and personal experience. 3. Those who are willing to pay any price so as to do the will of Godi 4. Those who realize their responsibil­ ity to God and to the needs of humanity. On this basis there should be wide search­ ing of hearts as each Endeavorer says, “Perhaps—perhaps God wants me,” or better still, “ Here am I, Lord; send me.” —A Year o f Meetings, published by the In te r n a tio n a l S o c ie t y of C h ristian Endeavor.

Special Songs for Singers What do you need? Book of 33 Solos for Low Voice—50c, 2 books $1. Solos, Duets, etc. in beautiful Octavo sheet- music; such as Name of Names, My Earnest Prayer, Oh, How Wonderful, Kept By The Power of God, etc. 2 songs to each folder for 15c, 4 folders 50c. One central House for all your needs in Sacred Music. Latest and Best of all Publishers. Tell your friends. New Catalog free. HARDY MUSIC CO. :: 64 E. Jackson Street, Chicago THE BOB JONES COLLEGE Cleveland, Tenn., is interdenominational, c o ­ educational, and orthodox. It stands without apology for the old time religion and for the absolute authority o f the Bible. The m otto of the college is, “ No college shall excel us in the thoroughness o f our scholastic work and, God helping us, we endeavor to excel all other colleges in the thoroughness o f our Christian training.” Special personal attention is given to each student. Piano, Pipe Organ, Speech, Violin, and V oice are given without additional cost. There is a four-year accredited high school in connection with the college. 1936-3 7 year be­ gins September 9. W rite for literature. The TRUTH From YOUTH Two Stirring Volumes by Dan Gilbert “ Crucifying Christ In Our Colleges” — now in its 13th thousand; being the most direct and shocking indictment that has yet been made of our educa­ tional system, stating specific cases of ruined lives through mis-education. 234 pages; paper 75c, cloth $1.00. “ Evolution, The Root Of All Isms” —shows how the world's greatest atheists, communists and free- love advocates claim Evolution as the foundation and proof of their destructive doctrines. Paper 50c; cloth $1.00. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. THE DANIELLE CO.. Publishers 5472 Gilbert Drive » Dept. KB « San Diego, Calif. RAISE MONEY FOR YOUR CLASS Sell “ ADPENCO” School Name Pencils. Hundreds of Teaehers have profited by this easy means of raising funds. SPECIAL OFFER. 144 high quality regular five-cent pen- ells, each equipped with gilt tip and red rubber eraser im­ printed with your School Name for $2.60 postpaid. You sell for $7.20. Your profit $4.60. Send name of Church or Sunday School today with money order for sample gross. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ADVERTISING PENCIL CO. Walbrook 51 Baltimore, Maryland H O T E L (Frances £ ) W IL L A R D 536-40 SOUTH HOPE ST., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Catering to Christian Trade MEN AND WOMEN North W ing — Bible Institute Reasonable Rates Write for descriptive folder

God, speaking through men by His Holy Spirit, emphasizes throughout His Word the seribtisness and the sacredness.of the marriage relationship. Matthew, Mark, and Lukes; all record the most solemn, heart-searching words that our Lord spoke on this subject. .Paul the apostle also im­ presses us with the holiness of the mar­ riage vows. From the beginning of human history, God ordained the sanctity of marriage. In the account concerning the Garden of Eden we read: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his w ife : and they shall be one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). The Lord Jesus Christ quotes these very words from Genesis in His convinc­ ing, authoritative reply to the Pharisees, who asked him whether it was lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause. Nowhere can you find a more sol­ emn injunction than is recorded in verse 6 o f our lesson: “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Would that these words were burned with fire on every heart, or graven as with an iron pen! When God has joined two hearts, any effort to put them asunder is like fighting against God. How serious the indictment! Our courts are crowded with divorce cases, however, and men and women and judges go recklessly on, defy­ ing God’s commands and breaking His laws. It is indeed a tragic situation. We can find the reason for it in verse 8: “Be­ cause of the hardness of your hearts.” Men’s consciences have become seared and their hearts hardened. People have be­ come blinded by sin until they cease to see the awful evil in divorce. Jesus Christ held the marriage relationship in such high esteem that He used it as a figure o f the relation between Himself and His church (Eph. 5 :23-32). How could He more beau­ tifully have illustrated its sacredness ? We thus see a double reason that the marriage vows should be binding: First, Christ has so commanded; second, He exalts this re­ lationship to a place o f exceedingly high honor. ■ Helps for the Leader I. C hrist ’ s V iew of M arriage The break-up o f marriage is a serious matter, not only because o f its increase but also because of its devastation in the lives of those directly affected.

BeYour Own SANTA CLAUS Sxtta/namtlmiusrlbstffl CHRISTMAS CARDS

In recent years there has been approx­ imately one divorce to every six new mar­ riages in America. Legal dissolution of marriage has become so frequent that doubt is cast on the validity of marriage, "How Shall They Hear Without a Preacher?"

No experience needed—everyone buys cards for Christ­ mas, Birthdays, Anniversaries. Phillips Assortments, most complete in U. S., sell on sight—all new boxes— most attractive ever offered. Personal Greeting Album. Amazing variety of beautiful designs and fancy paper stock at popular prices. Meet every need. Cost you 30c, 50c, 60c each. You sell for 50c to $1.00. Extra cash bonus. Christmas selling season now on. We start you or your money-raising organization at once. Samples on approval. Write: P H I L L I P S C A R D C O . II Beacon Street Dept. U-9 BOSTON

«aid the Apostle Paul. “How can I, except some man should guide me,** said the AFRICAN to Philip. Thousands of native AFRICANS are waiting to hear of Jesus. The S.A.G.M. is pioneering in uncovered territories, and through its band of faithful workers is seeking to make Christ known. Information will be furnished on request.

Don’t Endure Slipping

FALSE TEETH Do your false teeth drop or slip when you talk, eat, laugh or sneeze? Don't be annoyed and embar­ rassed a minute longer. FASTEETH, a new powder to sprinkle on your plates, holds teeth firm. Gives fine feeling of security and comfort. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Get FASTEETH to­ day at any drug store.


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