King's Business - 1936-09

September, 1936


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

E V E R Y W R ITER NEEDS R1DDERHAND: a sem i-shorthand for those who write. Easy to learn, and you begin to use it at once, putting down your thoughts before they vanish. 2,960 copies sold at $2.00 each; closing out remaining 40 at $1.25 postpaid. Order yours NOW . JAMES N. CUTLER, Publisher Church and Pine Streets :: Ephrata, Pa. LAYETTES—Oar Specially "A PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD IS MOTHERHOOD” Let us serve you in preparing for that blessed event—Baby's Outfit—Shower Gifts. Send for prices DOLLY’S HAPPY HOME J. & M. Prufert Oceanside, Calif. bors, businesspeople for beautiful Christ­ mas Cards and Stationery with custo­ mers*names from album o f too samples. AISOSPbClAL LOW PRICED LINE OF PERSONAL HUMOR­ OUS CARDS—newest thing in greeting cards. Largest commissions paid daily. No experience needed. Early starters make most money. Also the master creation of 1936 , the new 21 folder Christmas assortment. Sells for $1. Your profit 50 c. Quality—Style—Value plus latest innovations bring quick sales, big profits. 6 other boxes; Religious Scripture Text Greetings, new style Etching, Gift Wrapping, Humor- SAMPLES ous, De Luxe, Every Day boxes. Extra F R E E Bonuses. Established 16 years. WRITE TODAY for 21 card box on approval ana FREE sample personal cards. 225 FIFTH AVENUE . DEPT. RP-2 NEW YORK WALLACEBROWNINC. QUILT PIECES; 1 2 pounds (15 yards) only 69c. I Large pieces. Fast c o lo r s . Sent C.O.D. Beautiful Silks or Velvets, 2 pounds #1.00. 12 Quilt designs free with order. Remnant Store Dept. 11 Makanda, 111. PERSONAL XMAS :.'CÍkRDSV¿;STÁTÍ0NÉRV% FARM fA S V FX TA A M OM £r Pleasant spare tim e w o rk brings big cash rewards. Take lI S S S 1 orders from friends, neigh- M

How Wheaton College Honors God’s Word B y L. M. A ldridge Wheaton is the largest liberal arts col­ lege in the State o f Illinois. A thousand young men and young women are there studying for the baccalaureate degree. They come from forty-four states and fourteen countries. Wheaton College is a liberal arts college in every sense of the word. It is not a theological seminary. It is not a Bible Institute. Trite as the fore­ going three sentences may appear, they are necessary to clear away certain misconcep­ tions regarding Wheaton College. In its catalogue of 128 pages, the college opens its list of courses of instruction with the Department of Bible and Philosophy. Bible-loving Christians will rejoice to know of the progress of this department, and its influence upon the secular student life. All the college courses are there—biology, zoology, chemistry, geology, psychology, physical education, English, literature, Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, history, social science, business admini­ stration, political science, sociology, mathe­ matics, physics, astronomy, music, art, and the like—but the entire curriculum is in­ troduced by the Bible. Scholarly men and women head all of the departments, and some of Wheaton’s most noted thinkers teach in classes devoted to the Bible and Christian philoso­ phy. Professor Henry C. Thiessen, B. D., Ph. D., D.D., is chairman. President J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., A.M., B.D., D.D., is J. P. Williston Professor of Philosophy and Bible; and M. A. Stone, A.M., D.D., is associate professor o f Bible and Philoso­ phy. Professor D. A. Straw, M.S.£}Litt. D .; Edith C. Torrey, A.B. (daughter of the distinguished evangelist); Alice K. Spaulding, Ph.B.; Katherine C. Shapleigh, A.B., and Professor Joseph P. Free, Ph.D., complete the Bible staff. Wheaton’s Bible department has three objectives: (1) To provide such elementary train­ ing in the Bible as Wheaton College requires of every student. (2) To offer additional courses for those who wish to secure a broader knowl­ edge o f the Bible and related subjects. (3) To provide advanced training for those who wish to enter the field of Christian education, the Christian minis­ try, or home or foreign missionary service. Wheaton is on the approved list of the Association of American Universities, is a member o f the North Central Association, and is rated Class “A ” by the University of Illinois. Its credits are accepted in all graduate schools throughout the wprld. Undergraduates who love Bible study receive full credit not only toward the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor, of Philos­ ophy degrees, but also toward the degree o f Master of Arts. Dr. Thiessen, chairman of the Depart­ ment of Bible and Philosophy, received his A.B. degree at Northwestern University, the B.D. and D.D. degrees from the North­ ern Baptist Seminary, and his Ph.D. degree at the Southern Baptist Theologi­ cal Seminary, Louisville, Ky., where he sat at the feet o f the late A. T. Robertson, the premier Greek scholar of the Western world. Dr. Stone, assistant professor, graduated from Hanover College, where he was awarded the A.B., A.M., and D.D. degrees. While pastor of a large Chicago Presby-

terian church, he did graduate work in the University of Chicago. The courses in Bible and philosophy offered at Wheaton College give the latest development in placing the Bible in its rightful place in a great educational insti­ tution. It is a long step in the direction of molding a new and better type of college graduate; and it is a challenge to the destructive rationalism that has become the chief parasite in so many colleges and uni­ versities. Wheaton’s Bible emphasis program is a success! Last year the college led all the universities and colleges of America with an enrollment gain of 21.9 per cent. This year’s advance registration presages an­ other record for the college that honors God’s Word by making it the spearhead course in its curriculum. The Bible Mastery Campaign The repeated reading of a portion of Scripture, and the continued meditation upon its contents leads to revelation as the power o f the W ord is released. Upon that fact the Bible Mastery Campaign spon­ sored by the Presbytery o f Seattle and be­ ginning its seventh year has endeavored to direct interest and attention to the concen­ trated study o f a chosen portion of the Word. Each year a different book has been assigned for one month o f that year. The book selected for study during the month of October is Ephesians. Chairman o f the Bible Mastery Cam­ paign is C. J. Boppell, 2666 37th Avenue S. W., Seattle, Wash. A four-page leaflet giving full information concerning the pro­ gram may be secured by sending a self-ad­ dressed stamped envelope to the chairman.

“ Finest Hymnal I Have Ever Seen” — Kansas City, Mo. ★ ‘‘Glorious Gospel Hymns” com piled and edited b y Haldor Lillenas is an inexhaustible storehouse o f standard hymns and powerful gospel songs. Contains hymns and songs for every church department and use. H olds true to the fundamentals of the truth. Order your copies today. Beautifully printed— new reinforced cord binding. 703 num ­ bers; 350 hymns, 353 gospel songs. R eturnable,examination cop y sent Pastors and music comm ittees. One cop y $1.25 postpaid, $85.00 per 100 not prepaid. Write for FREE Music Catalog L I L L E N A S P U B L I S H I N G C O M P A N Y “ The Best in Gospel Music” Dept. K, 2923 Troost Ave. Kansas City, Mo. "Stories of Hymns We Love” By CECILIA MARGARET RUDIN, M . A . Assisted editorially by the REV. WM . M. RUNYAN N E W E N L A R G E D E D I T I O N T HE great popularity o f this fascinating work has demanded a new edition with much added material. Now the m ost unique and helpful book o f its kind for home reading, choir training, S. S. teaching, sermon preparation, gifts, etc. Pre­ sents the human drama behind our m ost loved hymns includ­ ing “ H oly, H oly, H oly,“ “ Abide with Me,“ “ The Old Rugged Cross,“ “ W onderful W ords o f Life,” “ Am erica,” and “ Home, Sweet Home.** A GEM B O O K — To Own, To R e a d , To G ive Its beauty must be seen to be appreciated. E verybody loves it, child or sage, devoted reader or deep student. Covers 400 years of Christian H ymnody. Deals with 155 subjects, hymns, sacred songs, authors, com posers, tunes and poem s. Richly illustrated, beautifully bound, gold em bossed cover. No in­ crease in price for Enlarged Edition— only $1.00. Order direct or through your church supply house— Write today. John Rud in & Com pany , Inc. 1018 South Wabash Ave., Dept. K.B. Chicago, Illinois

The Author

FU N D R A IS ER Agents, booksellers, col­ porteurs, etc., successfully distributing this fascinat­ ing work. Sells readily. Get special plans without delay.

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