King's Business - 1936-09

September, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Babylonish empire, and brought God into position and preeminence? . . . Can God give us this kind of prayer today? God, by the Holy Ghost, can give us the hurri­ cane kind o f prayers that will cause things to move and remove.—G. D e m psie . OCTOBER 11 The Best of Friends “ Ye are my friends, if ye do whatso­ ever I command you" (John 15:14). Let us, then, permit nothing to weaken or interrupt the friendship which subsists between us and Christ as our Friend. We may often hear Christ and His cause evil spoken of by those w ho are n o t His friends; . . . but be of good cheer, for our heavenly Friend experienced the ingrati­ tude of a wicked world when He dwelt on earth. . . . Under every discouragement, still let us cleave to Him as the best of friends. Let us live a life of faith in Jesus' Christ. Let us say of Him, “Whom have I in the heavens but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee.” Let us embrace every opportunity afforded for renewing and cultivating a closer intimacy with Him, and for insuring the continu­ ance of His regard. — G eorge .H ope M o n ilaw : s . To be a partaker o f the divine nature is not, o f course, to become God. That cannot be. The essence of deity is not to be participated in by the creature. Be­ tween the creature and the Creator there must be a gulf in respect of essence; but as the first man Adam was made in the image of God, so we, by the renewal of the Holy Spirit, are in a yet diviner sense made in the image of the Most Highland are partakers of the divine nature. . . . While we rejoice in this, let us remember that those who are made partakers of the divine nature will manifest their high and holy relationship in their intercourse with others, and make it evident by their daily walk and conversation that they have escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Oh, for more divine holiness of life!— C h ar les H addon S purgeon . “ When thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secref’ (Matt. 6:6 ). “H e that dwelleth in the secret place o f the Most High shall abide under the shadow o f the Almighty” (Psa. 91:1). Lord, I have shut my doorJS|||j| Shut out life’s busy cares and fretting noise, Here in this silence they intrude no more. Speak Thou, and heavenly joys Shall fill my heart with music sweet and calm— A holy psalm. Yes, I have shut my door, Even on all the beauty of Thine earth— To its blue ceiling, from its emerald floor, Filled with spring’s bloom and mirth; From these, Thy works, I turn; Thyself I seek; To Thee I speak. — M a r y E llen A t k in s o n . OCTOBER 12 Partakers of the Divine Nature “ Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pet. 1:4). OCTOBER 13 In the Secret Place

Come ye apart and rest In the quiet place most blest, In the presence of our waiting Lord. How precious and sweet Thus daily to meet In His presence in fullest accord. Holy Spirit divine Let Thy glory light shine Giving light to guide us this day. Lest our feet ever stray From Thy precepts away, Abide—be our Guide and our Stay. For those who would live The life He doth give He promises—an eternal treasure. And adds to it joy Which has no alloy He gives life—in abounding measure. —E. L. M c C reery . When, Abraham Lincoln was assassi­ nated, there were men in the North who applauded the act; but no sooner did the words, “ Serves him right,” fall from their lips than they were instantly riddled with the bullets of the patriots. Why? Because the men o f the North looked upon soul- identification with treason as treason, and sympathy with a traitor as making a man a traitor . . . Where do we stand with regard to Christ?’)-If our life belids our lips; if we make an orthodox profession but live a heterodox life; if we trifle with what we ignorantly call little sins and al­ low them to have dominion over us . . . if we not only refuse to confess Him ourselves, but hinder others also from confessing Him, we morally identify our­ selves with those who cried: “Away with him,” “not this man, but Barabbas!” — J. G regory M a n t l e . OCTOBER 9 Thy Kingdom Come “ The Lord reigneth” (Psa. 99:1). It is especially in the midst of His church that the Lord’s throne is estab­ lished. Though to Him all authority has been given, in heaven and in earth, the earth is not yet the sphere in which His sovereignty is recognized, or His will obeyed. Still, all things are under His hand. All powers and forces are at His command . . . Even now, though His king­ dom is not visibly set up upon the earth, Christ has authority over all things. The Father’s purposes of grace are being ac­ complished. And however contrary to His will men and nations may act, still we know “the Lord reigneth,” and His will shall yet be done.— S elected . OCTOBER 10 A Pressing Need “ The effectual fervent prayer of. a right­ eous man availeth much” (Jas. 5:16). What is the most pressing need at this moment? It is to ask God to give us the power for prayer that is strong, prevail­ ing, believing, God-moving, hell-defeating, devil - routing, sinner - saving, believer- sanctifying, Christ-exalting, worker-pro­ ducing, and money-finding! . . . But where are we going to get prayer that will do all that—the kind that Daniel offered, and that shook from stem to stern the whole OCTOBER 8 Crucifying Christ Afresh “But now being made free from sin,. . . ye have your fruit unto holiness’’ (Rom. 6 :22).

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