King's Business - 1959-04

A PR IL , 1959 25c

In This Issue: V aca tion s W ith a Purpose Pastors Are People tty Helen Frazee-Boiver Before and After Marriage By M. R. DeHAAN

"T h e M y s te r y Of Suffering 99 by Louis T. Talbot . w i5 Page 29

“ The Book o f the ages in the language of today!”



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Translated under direction and supervision of Rev. Gerrit Verkuyl, PH.D.f D.D., Editor. The Berkeley Translation is the combined effort of twenty qualified scholars A Z o n d e rv a n P u b lic a tio n

...... __.... - ...........

S P E C I A L P R E - P U B L I C A T I O N P R IC E Order Your Copy Now and SAVE $1.00 {Price until June 30, 1959. Only $6.95 Regular Edition and $10.95 for the Deluxe Edition.)

Who Will Profit from the Berkeley Bible Translation 9 Christian laymen and Christian families 9 Bible students 9 Pastors and evangelists • Sunday school and Christian school teachers • Christians young in the faith TRANSLATORS Rev. Gerrit Verkuyl, Ph.D., D.D., Editor Professor Gleason L. Archer, Ph.D. Professor John W. Bailey, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus David E. Culley, Ph.D. Professor Deward W. Deere, Th.D. Professor Clyde T. Francisco, Ph.D. Rev. Leonard Greenway, B.D. Rev. Gerard Van Groningen, Th.M. Professor Howard A. Hanke, Th.D. Professor S. Lewis Johnson, Jr., Th.D. Rev. James E. Keefer, Th.D., Ph.D. Professor William S. LaSor, Ph.D. Professor Jacob M. Myers, Ph.D. Professor J. Barton Payne, Th.D. Professor Emeritus Geo. L. Robinson, Ph.D. Professor Samuel J. Schultz, Ph.D. Rev. Hathaway Struthers, Th.D., Ph.D. Professor Merrill F. Unger, Ph.D. Professor Leon J. Wood, Th.M. Professor Martin J. Wyngaarden, Ph.D. Regular P ric e ............... $7.95 Deluxe Flexible Leatherette Gift Edition ..........................$11.95 9 Christians of all ages 9 Personal soul-winners

Enthusiastic Endorsements DR. V. RAYMOND EDMAN, president, Wheaton College, W h ea ton , Illinois: “ Translations in modem English, as the Berkeley Version, provide vivid­ ness and freshness of meaning to the text, and help throw light on the stately King James Version: Scholarly, thoughtful, incisive, the Berkeley Version makes a worthwhile contribution. . . . Sound evangelical scholar­ ship has produced in the BERKELEY BIBLE a very accurate, readable and devout translation of the Scriptures in 20th Century English —the Book of the ages in the language of today.” DR. H. J. OCKENGA, pastor of Park Street Church, Baston, Massachusetts says: “ . . . emphasizes chronology, clarity and contemporary Deity . . . a great help in Bible study. I highly recommend the Berkeley Version.” DR. JAMES H. HUNTER, editor, Evangelical Christian. “ Every Christian should possess a copy of this excellent translation in modem English that helps to elucidate more clearly the wonder of the Book. The approximate date of writing is given for each book, and the footnotes are most helpful.” DR. FRANK E. GAEBELEIN, headmaster, Stony Brook School, Stony Brook, Long Island: “ . . . an excellent piece of work.” DR. J. THEODORE MUELLER, Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri: “ Pastors certainly will not go wrong in using the Berkeley Translation for' their sermon preparation. I heartily recommend it to all pastors and students of the Bible. They will be greatly helped by. it in their study of God’s Word.” PROFESSOR JOHN WICK BOWMAN, San Francisco T h e o lo g ic a l S em in ary: “ . . . will take its place without apology alongside other modern transla* tions . . . it is. a ‘conservative’ translation* both theologically and styl­ istically.” The King's Business Magazine: v“ It is thoroughly conservative, and worthy of consideration by all who are interested in the interpretation of Scripture. This version is thoroughly modem, and free from archaisms . . . throwing a flood of light upon passages that are obscure in older translations.” The Christian Herald Magazine: of old words.” . . jolts the reader into a new understanding The Sunday School Times: . . will be found one of the best . ... very helpful for Bible study .: . faithfully abides by the evidence.” The Princeton Seminary Bulletin: “ . . . forthright and vigorous . . . characterized by sanctified common sense . . . conscientious and consecrated . . .” DR. MARK FAKKEMA, educational director of the National Association of Chris­ tian Schools: “ . . . most excellent. . .” Bibliotheca Sacra. •.readable and live.'* DR. H. ORTON WILEY, president emeritus, Pasadena Collette, Pasadena, Cali­ fornia: “ I use it constantly" and I appreciate it and recommend it to my students.” These comments, except Dr. Edman’s, were made regarding the Berkeley Version of the New Testament.

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THE KING'S BUSINESS A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President •

BIBLE Q U E S T I O N S A N SW E R E D By Dr. W. L. Pettingill Author's greatest book. Thousands in use. Scripture answers to hundreds of questions. 559 pages, only $4. 00 from your bookstore or

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

APRIL, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Nine

Vol. 50, No. 4

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home


VACATIONS WITH A PURPOSE — Graham Tinning W ALKING— Kenneth L. Pike .................................... 10 PASTORS ARE PEOPLE — Helen Frazee-Bower ..................... ...... 12 BEFORE AND AFTER MARRIAGE — M. R. DeHaan 14 THE LAST COUNT DOWN — Tom Willey ............... 18 PROPHECY AND THE PROPHETS — Lehman Strauss ........................ 21 THE MYSTERY OF SUFFERING — Louis T. Talbot ..... 29 THE KING'S BUSINESS STORY— Betty Bruechert 47 PRACTICAL 20th CENTURY EVANGELISM ............... 56 Features UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................ 5 EDITORIAL — S. H. Sutherland ........ .................................. 7 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde Narramore ............................. 28 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .......................... 33 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ............... .............. 34 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ............... ................................. 38 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ............. ......................... 40 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser _________ 41 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — J. O. Henry ................................................. 42 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker .................................. 43 MAKING MELODY — Ralph Carmichael .................... ............. 49 CHURCH RECREATION — Jim Sleveove .................................... 50 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr .......................... ........... 51 ALUMNI NEWS— Inez McGahey .............................................. 52 ACCENT ON YOUTH — Ken Poure ................................................ 58 Columns READER REACTION 4 PEOPLE 6 REACHING YOUTH ...... 26 DVBS GUIDE ........ 36 HOMILETICAL HELPS ......... 39 BROADCASTING ..................... .................. ...... ..... ........... 48 DISC PERSONALITIES ........................ 48 TOWN AND CAMPUS ........ 53 HONG KONG ........... 55 Cover The Natural Bridge at Santa Cruz, California, reminds us that there is only One way to God and that is through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our Saviour declared: " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6). — A ll Rights Reserved — S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager EDITORIAL BOARD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, Edward Hayes, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, AI Sanders, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton 8

IN SOUTHERN CALIFORN IA ATTEND B IOLA R a llies (Sponsored by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.) — In Two Locations — DOWNTOWN Church oi the Open Door 6th and Hope Sts., Auditorium LA MIRADA Campus Auditorium Biola Ave. North of Rosecrans BIOLA RALLIES for April April 5th EVANGELIST JIM VAUS April 12th NAE CONVENTION guests & Evangelist Jim Vaus April 19th MUSICAL RALLY Einar Eckberg and Einar Waermo April 26th RADIO RALLY Gospel Broadcasters from all over California will participate WILBUR NELSON Master of Ceremonies ★ INSPIRATIONAL MEETINGS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ★ CONVENIENT NEARBY FREE PARKING 2:30 P.M. EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON

ADVERTISING— For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be mode by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."



APRIL, 1959

Reader Reaction Behind Prison Bars Dear Dr. Sutherland: I wish to express my thanks for the courtesy extended to our Institution in sending to our Protestant Chaplain’s of­ fice the KING’S BUSINESS each month. We deeply appreciate this kindness and assure you that the men of this Institution enjoy and receive great benefit from the KING’S BUSINESS. E ditor ’ s N ote : Through the kindness of some of our readers , special contributions to the magazine allow us the privilege of sending complimentary copies of the KING'S BUSINESS to needy areas such as state penal institutions. Also, as funds are available, gift subscriptions are sent to missionaries on the foreign field. W hile money in this fund is limited, our Editorial Board would be happy to consider the names of those missionaries or needy people to whom you would like to see the KING’S BUSINESS sent. Please enclose complete names and ad­ dresses. Due to the limited funds avail­ able, we hesitate to make this announce­ ment, but do so with the prayer that per­ haps other readers will want to give some of their tithe to this worthy project, ex­ tending the ministry of the printed page. Question on Christ's Coming Dear Dr. Talbot: In one of your recent columns, a ques­ tioner stated that he had always been taught that there were three appearings of Christ, whereas he could only find two. You agreed with him concerning the idea of only two. I believe the Scripture teaches three appearings. Perhaps there was a confusion with the terms “ appear­ ings” and “ comings.” The three appear­ ings are given to us in Hebrews 9:24-28. (1) He “ hath appeared to put away sin” ; (2) He now appears in heaven itself in the presence of God for us” ; (3) “ He shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” I am sure that you are much more familiar with this than I am. I do believe in three “ appearings,” but only two “ comings.” Rev. Joseph Green, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church Arvin, Calif. E ditor ’ s N ote : Rev. Green is correct, for the answer which Dr. Talbot gave referred to the “ comings” of Christ. W e appreciate the alertness of Reader Green. Service Feature Dears Sirs: I especially enjoyed the article on “ Ac­ cent on Service” (the story of the Chris­ tian Workers Service Bureau). We so often see in our churches the lack of really Spirit-filled teachers of the Word for our young people. Mrs. E. S. Minor, Ontario, Calif. | R. G. Pontius, Associate Chaplain, State of Calif. Dept, of Corrections, Calif. Institution for Men, Chino, Calif.

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Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller D ear Father, I thank Thee for my salvation, and I thank Thee for the Millers. I’m glad they opened their home to me. Help me to get all I can from them. Let the children be obedient because if they obey I will be better able to understand about this Christian life, and it will be easier for me to obey Thee. I thank Thee again for this experience in the Miller home. It’s wonderful they took me in. I thank Thee, and I know as I ask Thee that You’ll save Sally, Jon, Mother and Dad.” Tears in Mother’s eyes spilled over to moisten her cheeks. What a signi­ ficant prayer from one so young in the faith. Last September Betsy en­ tered Grace Livingston Hill Christian Day School with her twin, Sally. By November Betsy had capitulated to the claims of Christ and was bom again. Unexpected business problems forced a premature return of the fam­ ily to the north. Betsy did not want to leave the school where she had stepped from spiritual darkness into light. No one at home could under­ stand the change in her life or could help her. She asked the Millers if she could live with them so as to complete the school year here. After prayer and consultation with the children, espe­ cially the older girls, the family said “yes” and moved over to take Betsy into their hearts and home. The new daughter little dreams of the great responsibility her coming has placed on this family. Nor can she comprehend the near-fright at the awareness of what is expected of her “family.” At 16 she is getting her first introduction to the type of living which goes on in a Christian home. Betsy’s first impressions of “ Christ in you the hope of glory” are being formed in this home! Suddenly this family finds itself being examined by one who had never known there is another way of life until a few months ago. Such questions, bluntly and honestly asked, have forced a re-evaluation of how we have been living in and for Christ. It is small wonder, then, in view of the demands, expectations, and obser­ vations of this babe in Christ, that the Millers had to pull themselves up short and take some personal and family spiritual inventory. God has given us a difficult but glorious assign­ ment. He is reminding us that we must be “ an example of believers” (1 Tim. 4:12). We dare not in any way “ offend one of His little ones.” W ill you pray for Betsy and for us?


OSAKA CRUSADE led by Dr. Bob Pierce May 12—June 1 Join in prayer with Christians everywhere. Please write for details and attractive Bible bookmark.

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All courses are open to: Christian missionaries, pros­ pective or on furlough, men or women workers, who may be stationed in areas remote from qualified medical care.

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APRIL, 1959

(A Monthly Page of Names in the News) Mr. Joe Weatherly, overseas director for Gospel Films, has announced the beginning of shooting on the new film: “ Something to Die For,” made in cooperation with Youth for Christ. The production is to be made avail­ able free-of-charge to Christian youth leaders around the world. Rev. William H. Taylor has been ap­ pointed General Secretary- of the Cen­ tral American Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have served for 20 years in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama. * * * * * Mr. and Mrs. John Meredith hav e been appointed by Coronet Instruc­ tional Films of Chicago to produce a new series of seven chemistry teaching films. Produced on the campus of the Meredith’s alma mater, Wheaton Col­ lege, the films will be given nation­ wide distribution in schools.

DR. BOB JONES, JR., president of Bob Jones University, led in dedica­ tion services for the school’s new physical education center. The build­ ing was placed in service April 2, alumni day. The upper floor of the structure w ill contain seating provi­ sions for more than 2500 spectators.

Miss Edith Torrey, daughter of Dr. R. A. Torrey, passed away in Santa Barbara, March 4, 1959. Mr. Les Barnett, well-known gospel organist, died March 6, 1959 in Los Angeles. * * * * * Mr. Peter Quist, advertising and cir­ culation manager of the Youth for Christ magazine, has been named Business Manager of YFC, Interna­ tional, according to Dr. Ted W. Eng- strom, president of the organization. * * * * * Dr. M. R. DeHaan, director of the Radio Bible class, will be keynote speaker for the 16th Annual Fellow­ ship of Conservative Baptists to be held in Cincinnati, Ohio-, May 20 to May 26. Headquarters for the gather­ ing will be the Sheraton Gibson Hotel.

DR. ALFRED M A R T IN h a s been named dean of the faculty of the Moody Bible I n s t i t u t e . The a n n o u n c e - ment was made by DR. S. MAX­ WELL CODER, dean of educa­ tion at the his­

DR. HENRIETTA MEARS and MR. BILL BRIGHT led a gathering of Christian leaders in a special meet­ ing dedicated to the understanding of mutual achievements, problems and goals. The gathering of more than 50 organizational leaders (pictured be­ low ) met in Dr. Mears’ Westwood home, where Mr. Bright, director of Campus Crusade for Christ, hosted the conclave. “ W e do not know what God would have come from such a meeting as this,” Miss Mears ob­ served, but we feel a spirit of true Christian unity in the work which is common before us all . . . making known His name!” Christian leaders gather in Los Angeles at the home of Dr. Mears.

Rev. Lester J. Soerheide, veteran pas­ tor, has been named Deputation Sec­ retary of the Latin America Mission. toric midwestern school. In his new post, Dr. Martin w ill be responsible for the supervision of the teaching staff and w ill also continue as director of the Moody evening school. Dr. Martin

REV. JOSEPH HEMPHILL, pastor of the San Gabriel Union Church, spoke at ground breaking ceremonies for the church’s new $250,000 educa­ tional facility. The building w ill ac­ commodate a Sunday School enroll­ ment of 2,100 with a Christian day school attendance of 540. The church has continued to grow in its influence as a lighthouse throughout its vast area of testimony. Pictured above are Mr. Lawrence B a con , chairman, Board of Trustees; Rev. Hemphill; Mr. Fred Cantrell, chairman, Board of Deacons. Mr. John F. Blanchard, president of Los Angeles Culter Academy (Chris­ tian day school) has announced a special drive to raise $1,000,000.00 for the new school buildings.




Tfecv Cttitedexy? A great deal has been written and spoken in recent years about "neo orthodoxy" and the old evangelicalism. To be orthodox, according to the dictionary, is to be in "agree­ ment with accepted standards of faith." Therefore, one is either orthodox or he is not orthodox. For if a doctrine or a set of doctrines is orthodox, it is not new. And if it is new, it is not orthodox. We might well ask ourselves the question, what is so wrong with the old orthodoxy that a "new orthodoxy" must be substituted for it? The great doctrines which have been accepted as orthodox throughout the history of the

Church have included the infallibility of the Bible, the virgin-birth of Christ, the miracles as recorded in both the Old and New Testaments, the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ, the bodily resurrection, as well as many others. These constitute the orthodox position. If one preaches these doctrines, he is not preaching any­ thing new. If he is preaching something new, he is either repudiating outright these old and accepted doctrines or at least he is minimizing them and relegat­ ing them to a place of minor importance in his message. No, the crying need of

Dr. S. H. Sutherland President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

today is not for a "new orthodoxy, " or a new evangelicalism, but rather it is for a clear-cut, powerful presentation of the great historic doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ to this generation. The great leaders of the past gen­ erations who have given us such a glorious heritage preached most effectively to their own generation. We can do no better, today, than to proclaim these same eternal truths in the most convincing and effective manner possible to our generation, in words and phrases that can be readily understood and comprehended by people everywhere.

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if it’s B IB L E you want, then you want MULTNOMAH! Spacious homelike campus, outstand­ ing fa cu lty; 6 0% of curriculum is Bible; Th.B. degree. Accredited by Ac­ crediting Ass’n. of Bible Col- leges. Low tuition. Get free booklet about school. Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D.,President M U LTNOM AH School of the Bible 8435 N.E. Glisan St. Portland 20, Ore.

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TRO U BLE L — a tract for Í h BOYS AND A G I R L S ^ f l

APRIL, 1959


Vacations Pu

Executive Secrete and Ca

I t ’ s conservatively estimated that 100,000,000 Americans will take vacations this year. While some will visit Europe and the far corners of the earth, the majority will fall into the national “ Have Car, W ill Travel” class. Within weeks highways will teem with station wagons, trailer houses, and sedans with a parlor-kitchen-bed- room appearance. Planes, trains and buses will be crowded with travelers. Americans will be on the move. Christians, too, want to see the coun­ try stopping at Christian camps and conferences enroute. Whether you plan out an itinerary or just follow your fancy, be sure to get a touch of the growing arm of the Church — the Christian camp. If on the west coast, at Vancouver, B.C., your young people will enjoy Pioneer Pacific Camps for boys or girls; at Bellingham, Washington, you’d surely find your choice whether at the Firs Bible and Missionary Con­ ference center, the rustic youth camp in the wilderness off Lake Whatcom, or the out-of-this-world Ski Lodge on beautiful Mount Baker. L e a v i n g Washington for Oregon you’d enjoy a family week at the Cannon Beach Bible Conference. Continuing into California, there are several evangelical camps in the Clear Lake, Sacramento, Sonora areas. Or maybe you’ll get further off your course and drop into the Lake Tahoe area to visit beautiful Zephyr Point Presbyterian C o n f e r e n c e Grounds. Continuing South you’ll find a dozen or more camps in the Santa Cruz area including long established Mount Hermon, Mission Springs Covenant, Redwood Park Association, Beulah Park Nazarene Camp, or the Salva­ tion Army’s Redwood Glen. Along U.S. 99 in the high Sierras there’s Hume Lake Conference surrounded by General Grant National Park, Sugar

Refreshing trail amid Mount Hermon's giant redwood trees. Below, a group of Christian Service Brigade boys and their leaders near Camp Stoney Glen go trip-camping by canoe through Northern Michigan waterways.





with a iose 7c4t*tC*l Western Conference ssociation

Typical lake shore scene at the Camp-of-the-Woods, Speculator, New York,

P i n e Bap t i s t C amp , plus Sierra Lutheran, Hartland Mennonite and Quaker Meadows Camp in the foot­ hills, to name but a few. Entering Southern California you’ll find the largest concentration of church and youth camps in America including Forest Home Christian Conference Center, Christian Endeavor’s Tahquitz Pines, Alpine Covenant Grounds, Ar- rowpines, Idyllwild Pines, Camp Maranatha, Free Methodist’s Oak Glen Pines, not to forget Pine Valley Conference Association and Palomar Mountain Baptist Camp close to the Mexican border. And there are still others! If you want to follow U.S. 66 east there’s the Southwest Bible and Mis­ sionary Conference at Flagstaff, Ari­ zona, adjacent to the Grand Canyon; a bit south lies Prescott Pines Baptist Camp. Northeast of Albuquerque, dis­ cover the broad acres of Glorieta Southern Baptist Assembly. Or follow U.S. 85 North into Colorado and you strike pay dirt again in fine church and inter-church camps that have staked a claim on beauty in that vast mountain area and are active in the evangelical field. These include Star, Frontier, Deer Valley and Silver Cliff Ranches for youth and adults. It is impossible to give a compre­ hensive report but you would not want to miss Clydehurst Christian Ranch out of Billings, Montana, Camp Barakel at Fairview, Michigan, Camp Peniel adjacent to Houston or the Sky Ranches, not too far from Dallas, Texas. There are scores of Camp Cher- iths under Pioneer Girls’ careful super­ vision or the brother camps operated by Christian Service Brigade includ­ ing their newest 1800 leadership camp near Cedarville, Michigan. Watch next month’s King’s Busi­ ness for more Christian camps to visit or write the Camp and Conference Department, King’s Business, for addi­ tional information.

Highlight of many Christian camps is centered around the campfire. At the close of the day filled with happy friendships, recreation, and quiet study of God's Word a high school and adult group such as pictured at Prescott Pines Baptist Camp (Arizona) join in singing and sharing testimonies.


Campus-By-the-Sea is well named as one can observe a group representing several universities and colleges meeting for intensive Bible study close to the blue Pacific on Santa Catalina Island, 25 miles off the coast of Southern California. This is one of Inter-Varsity's summer leadership training camps far building campus Christian leaders.

APRIL, 1959


w ALKING is an interesting procedure. It’s a rap i d vibration between po in t s of weight place­ ment, such that the result gives us an even course.

in total balance. Those o f us in school should be in ba l ance , all out scholastical­ ly, but all out spiritually, too. I f o u r t o t a l weight is always

It’s smooth. We put all our weight on one foot, then all our weight on the other foot, shifting so rapidly that it doesn’t seem to be a vibration. We don’t walk — normally — on just one foot. It would be awkward to go very far that way. A useful walk doesn’t favor one foot, nor do we tie our two feet together in order to walk. We don’t normally try to walk carrying all our weight on both feet at the same time — if we did, we couldn’t move. But neither is walking hitting a "happy medium.” Happy medium has no place in a walk. I am astonished when I study the life o f Christ to see how He didn’t "strike a happy medium.” It seems to me He was "all out” in every direc­ tion at once. He could be vigorous in condem­ nation o f wrong while He was dreadfully sorry about what would happen to the wrong-doer. He could work from morning until night, and yet take time off to pray. Whatever his hand found to do, He did it with His might. He had balance. He got it by doing everything intensely, and the very intensities balanced each other. He was all man, and He was all God. All in all. All

on our academic foot, we will be cold and ul­ timately we’ll be lonely. But the Christian walk is not just a spiritual walk. That, too, would be hopping on one foot. The person who tries to be just spiritual without the balancing character­ istics o f human life becomes a crackpot. It’s dangerous to lack balance. One needs to be a Christian so that his basic premises — the begin­ ning o f wisdom — might rest on God, and be geared into God’s power. But one also needs to continually study the Word vigorously, as a scholar worshipping the Lord with his mind'. He should be vigorous in devotion — with com­ plete trust in God. He should be vigorous in scholarship — using his mind. He should be vigorous in friendship — including being friend­ ly to those who are unfriendly to him. The book o f Ephesians starts out by telling us that we are redeemed, that we have been made clean, that we have become God’s children, that we are geared into the universe. Then, after these things, it says, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk



Kenneth L. Pike

"And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.” So this walk, we are told, is to be a sacrificial walk, a walk o f love. Then almost immediately the emphasis shifts firmly. Verse six says, "Let no man deceive you with vain words.” We are not to be gullible and easily fooled. We are to be in balance, both "wise as serpents, and harml es s as d o v e s ” (Matt. 10:16). We are to be eager to do good and help others, but wise enough to avoid traps that have been laid for us. Christ side-stepped the traps which were laid for him by the Pharisees, ("This they said . . . that they might have to accuse him,” John 8:6: "Is it lawful to give tribute unto Cassar, or not?” Matt. 22:17) But at the same time He fulfilled the law (Matt. 17:25-27). He was balanced in His walk. In Ephesians 5:8 we are told to walk as children o f light, with good­ ness and truth and separation from evil. Yet in verses fifteen to seventeen we are told to "walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise . . . understanding what the will o f the Lord is.” Christ in His walk did not strike a "happy medium.” Rather, He was intense in every area o f His life — in His reliance on the Father’s orders, in using His own voice o f authority, in His service to man, in His love for others, in his down-to-earth practical wisdom. Peter tells us (1 Pet. 2:21) that Christ is our example and that we should follow in His steps, walking as He walked. END‘

in them” (Eph. 2:10). Thus in the first chapter we are told o f the things which God has done for us. Later we find that the balance o f this truth is that we ourselves are expected to do good things. Just as God has helped us, we are expected to help others. That makes the balance which is a part o f walking. " I therefore, the prisoner o f the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy o f the vocation where­ with ye are called” (Eph. 4 :1 ). The manner of walking is defined for us as with "lowliness and meekness” (not being proud or jealous when someone gets ahead o f u s ), "with long suffering” (not getting upset when somebody is irritating), "forbearing one another in love” (when they are hard to live. w ith). Having "unity” with those not o f like mind, instead o f getting an­ noyed with them. We need to be friends o f people, so that we can serve them as we are ordered to do. Ephesians 4:17 "This I say therefore, and testi­ fy in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk . . . ” The old life has been dirty; the new walk must be clean. The old walk had been proud; the new walk must be humble. The old walk had been for self; the new walk is for God and for other people. Ephesians 5:2 Dr. Kenneth L. Pike is president of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, affiliated with the Universities of Oklahoma and North Dakota. Three summer training programs, in coopera­ tion with Wycliffe Bible Translators, have been scheduled for summer, with two additional institutes planned for overseas in London and Melbourne. Catalogs, applications and other information may be obtained by writing the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Box 870, Glendale 5, Calif.


I n m y many years of Christian experience I have re­ ceived the gospel from the lips of many men of God — some brilliant, who spoke with great eloquence; some humble, who spoke with great simplicity. From each I received a blessing. In fact I can say, in all honesty, that almost never have I gone to the House of God and come away empty. Part of the reason for this may have been that, like the lame man at the gate called Beautiful, I looked on these men “ expecting to receive” something. But mostly because God honors His Word wherever and whenever it is preached in sincerity and truth. Jesus said, “ And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” And He does. Any man called of God to preach the gospel has been chosen for the most exalted position this world has to offer. It is certainly with no thought of detracting from the honor of their position that I make the statement, “ pastors are people.” The words are not meant to convey the thought that they are m erely people, but rather that they too are people. Pastors are people! They have feelings. Few of us would think of criticizing a fellovv member of the congregation for the way his wife dresses, or his children behave, but we seem to think it is our business to keep an eye on the pastor’s family. Did you ever hear, “Why are preachers’ children always the worst?” The answer, of course, is that they are not. It is only that more people observe them. Ministers are public servants; but their families are not public property. It is true that “ a city that is

set upon a hill cannot be hid,” but that is no reason for throwing stones at it. What would be considered rudeness, if spoken of anyone else, is sometimes said of the pastor’s family, with an actual sense of having fulfilled a right­ eous obligation! Pastors are people! They get tired. They have physical limitations. It is no easier for them to work constantly than for any other human being. Even Jesus became weary; else why was He asleep on a pillow during the storm at sea? How prone we are to ask of the pastor, “Where were you when I was sick?” as though we were the only people he had to look after! Our individual troubles are not unique to the pastor: they are part of a long succession of similar experiences covering the entire congregation. No matter how much one may long to do for others, human strength cannot be stretched beyond a certain limit: there is a breaking point for all men. One of the finest sermons I ever listened to was preached by a pastor who had been up all night with a dying man. His message was undoubtedly enriched by this experience. Nevertheless, his life was shortened because he spent his strength too freely for his people. Because few pastors will spare themselves when they feel they are needed, it becomes the obligation of the congre­ gation not to make thoughtless demands upon them. Pastors are people! They make mistakes. Just because a man is called of God to preach the gospel, he is not neces­ sarily placed beyond the possibility of making human



Mr. and Mrs. Bower share many moments of joy and fellowship together. Several years ago, Mrs. Bower was struck by an automobile and has since been confined to her wheelchair. Articles of Christian inspiration and poems of challenge have continued to pour forth from her consecrated pen.

errors. The Scriptures say that we shall be like Jesus •— “ when we see Him as He is.” But until that time, we are in the flesh and are heirs to the weaknesses of the flesh. All of us are capable of making wrong choices, unwise decisions, unfortunate remarks. We all exhibit flaws and make errors. To lead the victorious life should be the goal of every Christian — not just the pastor; and to expect perfection in him, that we do not achieve in ourselves, is unfair. Pastors will sometimes make mistakes. These are God’s concern, not ours. The Scriptures say, “ To his own master he standeth or falleth.” Indeed they say more, “Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.” Pastors are people! They need privacy. Because men of God, like men of medicine, are on 24 hour call, their private life is constantly invaded. The pastor has less time with his family than the average man — but needs more. He, who gives constantly to others, has need of the comfort, understanding and warmth that are the basic portion of life within the family circle. Unnecessary phone calls to his home rob him of his all-too-brief oppor­ tunity to be alone with his own. The surprise “ I just dropped in” visit you were planning to make may be more than a surprise. It may be an intrusion. It is God himself who “ setteth the solitary in families;” so there must be something there that a man can find nowhere else. The pastor’s privacy needs to be guarded by his congregation. Over against this fact there stands another opposed to it, but equally true.

Because pastors are people, they are often a little lonely. The very nature of their task makes them that way. They have been set apart by God for a holy work, and they must spend much time apart with God, in preparation for that work. For this reason they may often seem aloof. The man in the pulpit has been dwelling “ in the secret place of the most high,” and it is as unfair to e x p e c t h i m to c o m e suddenly down to earth at the sanctuary door, as it would ‘be to expect Moses of the shining face to come down from the mountain to inquire, “And how are all the children?” The pastor’s aloofness may trouble him more than anyone else. He must not play favorites with the members of his flock; he dare not discuss his problems with anyone in the congregation. He is a man who “must show himself friendly,” yet have few intimate friends of his own. If he seems a little aloof, don’t forget that he is a little lonely too. Pastors are people: very special people, to be sure — chosen vessels of the Lord, to be used of Him that others might come to know the Saviour — but human, never­ theless. As people, they have feelings, physical limita­ tions, human desires, weaknesses as well as strengths — even as you and I. Perhaps they would like us to remem­ ber this sometimes. Perhaps the greatest service we can render our pastors is to grant them the same understanding we would extend to any fellow Christian; and not expect more of them than we would have them expect of us.


APRIL, 1959


Director o f th Grand Rapid PART

expect that the divorce evil can be solved until men are willing to sub­ mit themselves to the clear teaching of the Word of God. According to sta­ tistics before me, divorce increased within the past forty years from one divorce in forty to one in three during the past year. It does not take a great stretch of the imagination to visualize what the result will be within the next few years, if the present increase in divorce continues. It will mean that we shall be a nation where all the barriers of morality and decency have been broken down, and when the home is gone, the nation is gone upon the rocks, and there is nothing in all the world that politicians, econ­ omists, social reformers or psychia­ trists can do to remedy the situation. In this series of messages, we are, therefore, not primarily interested in correcting the divorce evil AFTER it has occured, but rather to set before you some of the Scriptural remedies for the prevention of this terrible evil. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Most divorces are al­ ready determined long before the marriage ceremony is consummated, and the seeds of discord are already sown, and only need the development of a couple living in the intimate re­ lationship of husband and wife, which is the test of real character and real manhood and real womanhood. In our first article on “ Before and After Marriage” and the ideal Chris­ tian family, we discussed at length the teaching of the Scripture regard­ ing mixed marriages between believ­ ers and unbelievers, and saw that the Bible strictly forbids it, and disobe­ dience to this rule can only lead to the disfavor of Almighty God and dis­ aster and unhappiness in the days which lie ahead. A happy marriage depends on something more than a pretty face; it depends on character, and for the believer it depends on true Christian character. Here are some of the questions a prospective Christian bride, therefore, should always ask first of all when considering the mar-

riage relationship with her future husband: 1. Is he a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ? If he cannot pass this test, you as a Christian have no right to go a single step farther. 2. Is he God’s husband for me? Am I convinced that this is the one, not who is my own choice only, but who is God’s husband for me? 3. W ill he make a good father for my children, and is this marriage in the will of God? ' And the same questions, of course, should be asked by the prospective Christian husband. I do not believe that any Christian has a right to enter into the marriage relationship lightly, but should seriously consider the will of God and seek only His favor and His direction in all things. My pur­ pose in this series of messages is to be practical, to get right down to earth where you people live, in order that I may be of some help in pre­ venting the terrible evil which is sweeping over the nation and over the world today. I am, therefore, giving you a number of rules, which while they may seem very commonplace and sound like platitudes, neverthe­ less, are of the most decided impor- tance, if you are to regard your future happiness. First, let me repeat again, though it may seem unnecessary, never enter into a contract of mar­ riage with one who is not definitely a child of God, living the life of sep­ aration before Him. Second, never enter into the marriage relationship without first of all seeking the will of the Lord ¿hat you may know that it is His purpose before you take another step, or go ahead. We are the salt of the earth, and are to seek to bring unbelievers to the Lord Jesus Christ, but beyond this, we are to separate ourselves, and let our light shine as those who have been separated first of all unto the will of God. Third, never marry or accept the attention of an individual who is given to gambling, even though it may be for the most trivial amount. Once the gambling

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. H e that loveth his wife loveth himself. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let everyone of you in particular so love his w ife even as himself; and the w ife see that she reverence her husband —Ephesians 5:25, 26, 28, 31, 32, 33 I am frank to say that if this por­ tion of the Word of God were earnest­ ly and prayerfully practiced by both husbands and wives, it would be the end once and forever, of all broken homes and the problem of divorce among believers. Of course, we do not Dr. DeHaan is beloved by millions around the world for his consistent teaching of the Word of God over the air on the "Radio Bible Class." God has blessed his dedicated ministry to the salvation of countless numbers of souls.







A fter

Haan, M.D. Radio Bible Class, Michigan CONCLUDED

spirit grips a man, it will continue to eat away until it completely ruins him. Fourth, have absolutely nothing to do as a Christian with an individ­ ual who is addicted to the use of liquor, or of habit-forming drugs of any kind. If he is addicted to these things before he is married, he will undoubtedly increase his appetite for them when the burdens and the re- sponsibilties of a home are thrust upon him. Worldly practices and ap­ petites are totally incompatible with a Christian testimony, and if you are trying to live the life of Christ, under these circumstances you are going to find it exceedingly unhappy and un­ fortunate. Fifth, in seeking the will of the Lord in a husband, avoid the worldly dude and the so-called sheik. They very seldom make good hus­ bands. Young men, in seeking a wife as a Christian mother to your family, look for those Christian char- acteristics that will abide the test of time. Remember, there comes a time when paint, lipstick and plucking the eyebrows and cutting the hair will not enhance the beauty any more, but only that beauty which comes from within, from Christian char- acter, is the one that will really abide. A pretty face may be a very disap­ pointing thing after looking at it for twenty-five years. Sixth, never marry a divorced individual. As a Christian you have absolutely no right even to consider it. The Word of God is abso- lutely clear and definite in this mat­ ter. We receive thousands of letters of unhappy souls who write us asking us what to do, after the damage has been committed. The only solution to the evil of the unhappy home as a result of marrying divorced individ­ uals is to prevent it before it happens. If there has been one divorce in the life of an individual, there is nothing to make us believe that there will not be another one on the same ground or on the same basis. We might add a great many other rules, but we believe that these are sufficient at the time. God expects



m m m m

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." — Ephesians 5:31

He created the first pair, it was for two primary purposes: 1. First of all, it was for fellowship. God said, “ It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” The first purpose, therefore, for the marriage relation­ ship, was for mutual fellowship, and mutual help. We believe that in the purpose and in the economy of God two consecrated believers can be of greater service to the Lord Jesus Christ than as individuals. They are to be mutually interested, first of all, in the glory of God, and make every­ thing else subservient to that one pur­ pose. Let me repeat, therefore, how important it is that there be no in­ compatibility as far as believers and unbelievers are concerned, for this is the first thing which will ruin fellow­ ship. 2. The second purpose for the estab­ lishing of the home, according to the Word of God, is the raising of a fam-

every believer to lead a separated, sanctified life, and the mate you choose will do so much in determin­ ing whether your life will count for God and be happy, or will end in disaster which will only cause you to regret until your dying day the step that you have made. The Purpose of Marriage Now then, let us assume that you have sought the will of the Lord in regard to your marriage, relationship, and you have been happily married. What, then, becomes the purpose of marriage after it has been consum­ mated? As a believer, married in the Lord, you will want your home now to conform to God’s purpose in estab­ lishing that home for His glory. Now the Lord has given two very definite reasons in the very first chapter of the Bible when He Himself established the first home, and gives us the reason why the home was established. When

APRIL, 1959


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