King's Business - 1959-04

A fter

Haan, M.D. Radio Bible Class, Michigan CONCLUDED

spirit grips a man, it will continue to eat away until it completely ruins him. Fourth, have absolutely nothing to do as a Christian with an individ­ ual who is addicted to the use of liquor, or of habit-forming drugs of any kind. If he is addicted to these things before he is married, he will undoubtedly increase his appetite for them when the burdens and the re- sponsibilties of a home are thrust upon him. Worldly practices and ap­ petites are totally incompatible with a Christian testimony, and if you are trying to live the life of Christ, under these circumstances you are going to find it exceedingly unhappy and un­ fortunate. Fifth, in seeking the will of the Lord in a husband, avoid the worldly dude and the so-called sheik. They very seldom make good hus­ bands. Young men, in seeking a wife as a Christian mother to your family, look for those Christian char- acteristics that will abide the test of time. Remember, there comes a time when paint, lipstick and plucking the eyebrows and cutting the hair will not enhance the beauty any more, but only that beauty which comes from within, from Christian char- acter, is the one that will really abide. A pretty face may be a very disap­ pointing thing after looking at it for twenty-five years. Sixth, never marry a divorced individual. As a Christian you have absolutely no right even to consider it. The Word of God is abso- lutely clear and definite in this mat­ ter. We receive thousands of letters of unhappy souls who write us asking us what to do, after the damage has been committed. The only solution to the evil of the unhappy home as a result of marrying divorced individ­ uals is to prevent it before it happens. If there has been one divorce in the life of an individual, there is nothing to make us believe that there will not be another one on the same ground or on the same basis. We might add a great many other rules, but we believe that these are sufficient at the time. God expects



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"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." — Ephesians 5:31

He created the first pair, it was for two primary purposes: 1. First of all, it was for fellowship. God said, “ It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” The first purpose, therefore, for the marriage relation­ ship, was for mutual fellowship, and mutual help. We believe that in the purpose and in the economy of God two consecrated believers can be of greater service to the Lord Jesus Christ than as individuals. They are to be mutually interested, first of all, in the glory of God, and make every­ thing else subservient to that one pur­ pose. Let me repeat, therefore, how important it is that there be no in­ compatibility as far as believers and unbelievers are concerned, for this is the first thing which will ruin fellow­ ship. 2. The second purpose for the estab­ lishing of the home, according to the Word of God, is the raising of a fam-

every believer to lead a separated, sanctified life, and the mate you choose will do so much in determin­ ing whether your life will count for God and be happy, or will end in disaster which will only cause you to regret until your dying day the step that you have made. The Purpose of Marriage Now then, let us assume that you have sought the will of the Lord in regard to your marriage, relationship, and you have been happily married. What, then, becomes the purpose of marriage after it has been consum­ mated? As a believer, married in the Lord, you will want your home now to conform to God’s purpose in estab­ lishing that home for His glory. Now the Lord has given two very definite reasons in the very first chapter of the Bible when He Himself established the first home, and gives us the reason why the home was established. When

APRIL, 1959


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