King's Business - 1959-04

“S e f r v i e e u t d ily, for the replenishing of the earth. The word “ replenish,” in the original comes from a root, meaning “ to fill up.” It has to do with the raising of a family of children. Two things, therefore, are the purpose of God in the establishment of a Christian home. First, fellowship and companionship, and second, procreation for the glory of God. Today all too many marriages even among believers ignore this sec­ ond purpose entirely. The only reason they are married is for companionship and often only base physical and social companionship and legalized prostitution. But God said: “ Be fruitful, and multiply, and re­ plenish the earth.” God’s will for every Scripturally married couple is the raising of a family for the glory of God. To refuse to do so when health permits is to disobey the first command of God. It is a matter of record that childless homes are often unhappy homes, and all to frequently end in a breakup sooner or later. Within the heart of every normal woman is the desire of motherhood, and to deny her this God-given ability and joy is to deprive her of the deepest normal longing of a woman’s motherly heart. Scripture Definite In the Scriptures, children in the home were accepted as a sure sign of God’s favor and blessing upon the family relationship. Failure to bear children in the Old Testament was considered a sure sign of God’s dis­ favor and displeasure. When no chil­ dren were born, they were greatly exercised and cried out unto God, as we see in the case of Abraham, and of Isaac, as well as Jacob and many others. Think of the mother of Samuel and of Samson. David tells us in Psalm 127: “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and. the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a m ighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver fu ll of them : they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.” —Psalm 127:3-5 Let me repeat, children were con- sidered a blessing, and the more chil­ dren, the greater the blessing. What if Moses’ mother in those terrible days of oppression in Egypt had refused to assume motherhood? Israel might still be in Egypt. Suppose the mother of Paul had refused to be a mother. Wliat a loss to the Church it would THE KING'S BUSINESS

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