King's Business - 1959-04

a/irtaye (c o n t ) have been! Suppose the mother of Wesley, Whitefield, Spurgeon, Moody, had been like too many modem women. How the world would have been impoverished. And history re­ veals that most of these came from l a r g e f am i l i e s , and often from poverty-stricken families who dared to trust God. No Race Suicide The Bible condemns race suicide, and gives no e n c o u r a g e m e n t to mechanical birth control. The number of children in a family can be con­ trolled by observing the simple rules of hygiene and self-control as laid down in Leviticus 15:19-29 and Levi­ ticus 18:19. Observance of these in­ structions will result in God-planned families and the spacing of the birth of children from three to four years apart. According to the Bible absti­ nence is commanded during and for seven days after the monthly cycle ends. This is God’s method of birth control. God Himself has laid down these rules which if followed by God’s peo­ ple will result in the family which God Himself has planned, and not according to the planning of men. The only method of birth control in Scripture is self-control. If you are willing to follow God’s command­ ment to replenish the earth, and to follow the rules of cleansing which He Himself had laid down in the Scriptures, I believe that the family will be according to God’s ordering and for His glory and for our own joy- The bearing of children is the noblest, purest function that God has committed to a husband and wife, and it is indeed, tragic that the whole subject has been brought in disrepute because of the abuses associated with it, even among God’s people. Now I have been very, very frank with you. I felt constrained to do so because this truth is carefully avoided in the average church, and yet it is as much the revelation of God as any other Bible truth, and as a faithful minster of God I am in duty bound to hold nothing back, but to declare the whole counsel of God. “ If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” END.

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Send to Prayer Time, The King’ s Business maga zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.

APRIL. 1959

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