King's Business - 1959-04

'P&tàOHCiJÎ S v c u t y e i t & m By B en jam in W e iss


I t h o u g h t I heard a voice . . . Could it be again the words, coming

across the cen­ turies, s p o k e n on that memo­ rable Mount of Ascension, “Ye are my witnes­ ses?” As I listened, I imagined that I was standing with a group of Christian lead­ e rs on t ha t sacred spot, the


Mr. Weiss Co-Director, National Educators' Fellowship

Mount of Ascension. Here our Risen Lord is taking farewell of His disciples saying, “Ye are My witnesses, Go ye into all the world and preach the gos­ pel to every creature.” These unforgettable words were passed on to others until it became a chain-reaction that reached across mountains, plains, seas, continents, nations, and centuries. It is the most potent and effective method of com­ munication that has ever been adopted to perpetuate a great cause. The per­ sonal word has a spark of contagion that captivates others into the posses­ sion of the new life in Christ. In turn it sends them on to family, friend, neighbor, or, in fact, to anyone who w ill pause to listen to this personal testimony of how the possession of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has revo­ lutionized their lives. What is that whispered, confided word that is passed on from a believer to someone who has not heard it be­ fore? Is it a mythical formula that will bring good fortune or wealth? Is it a password that will give entrance into places of delight and enjoyment? It is infinitely more. It gives the solu­ tion for all the sin burdens, the heart­ aches, the frustrations, the disappoint­ ments and the longings of the human heart. It is the way to a new life through the possession of Him who said, “ I am the way, the truth and the life.” Who are His witnesses? Is it just a select few who are so thrilled by it that they must tell others? We are His witnesses. All who have heard His word of forgiveness of sin and pardon are His witnesses. Have you told your loved ones, your friends, your neighbors, and your acquaint­ ances? Many are waiting to hear it. The commission still echoes across the centuries, “Ye are My witnesses. Ye are My witnesses. Ye are My witnes­ ses.”

Our century has been an age of missionary martyrs—and mis­ sionary miracles. Yet even a cursory review of the world situa­ tion shows us that we are face to face with a crisis in missions. These are the facts: Atheistic Communism is cutting off country after country from contact with the Gospel. World population is increasing at a fantas­ tic rate. Every day the ratio of non-Christian to Christian population increases. The colonial world—once the site of major missionary effort—is fast disappearing. Nation­ alism is creating new patterns for missionary activity. 1^91 Thousands continue to die daily; and, hav­ ing lived in an age of communication wonders, many die without ever having h e a r d the name of Christ! These facts indicate plainly that we cannot continue to rely exclusively upon missionary methods of the past. Not only must we enlist more missionaries, but we must employ new methods to reach more people with the Gospel. The Pocket Testament League is today using every resource at its command to meet the crisis in world missions. Through mass evangelization and free Scripture distribution it is daily reach­ ing thousands with the Gospel. It is imperative that this large- scale Scripture distribution continue and expand. You can help meet the world mission crisis by giving your active support to the Pocket Testament League. Write Alfred A. Kunz, International Director, Pocket Testament League, 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, New Jersey.

APRIL, 1959


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