King's Business - 1959-04

ible School Guide and prepare for a successful VBS, how to build attendance through new publicity ideas, how to make your opening worship sessions really count, plus many others. Theme for the year is “ Living For Jesus in the Space Age.” The Herald Press (Mennonite) 610-616 Walnut Ave. Scottdale, Pennsylvania This publisher offers a permanent close- graded course. The entire material has been prepared to guide the pupil through his potential 13 years of VBS with studies which have been carefully tested. Attrac­ tive announcement cards (which are to he imprinted by the local church) are also available. The purpose of each lesson is “to con­ front every child with the living Christ and to lead him to a decision for the Lord.” The Judson Press (American Baptist) 1701-1703 Chestnut St. Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania The publisher has prepared a most at­ tractive Sample Kit utilizing its 1959 theme of “ The Child and God.” An out­ line of daily sessions, which include: Nur­ sery, Kindergarten, Primary, Junior, and Junior High, describes in detail the pro­ gram to be advanced. A catalog of re­ source materials (including audio-visual) is listed for the church planning commit­ tee. Pins, certificates and attendance rec­ ords complete the scope of the programmed material. The Standard Publishing Co. (Christian Church — Independent) Hamilton Ave. at 8100 Cincinnati 31, Mt. Healthy, Ohio A brand-new VBS course “ Following Jesus” is introduced by way of an attrac­ tively prepared Sample Kit. Material of­ fered includes a director’s manual with a number of new ideas and suggestions, five teachers’ and five pupils’ graded texts. Publicity aids include tags, pins, head- bands, certificates, song books and puzzle awards. Standards’ new Planbook not only in­ cludes helpful ideas but also a complete planning calendar. The Westminster Press (Presbyterian) Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pennsylvania “ The Bible” has been the theme select­ ed by this publisher which includes lead­ ers’ guides and pupils’ materials for Kin­ dergarten, Primary, Junior and Junior High. Courses have been described as teachable by relatively untrained leaders with material completely self-contained for ten three-hour sessions. EDITOR'S NOTE: A number of the publisher's materials are on sale at the BIOLA Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson, Glendale. A complete, fast mail-order service is maintained.

THE B E R K E L E Y V E R S I O N In Modern English—-With Explanatory Notes “ The Book of the Ages in the language of todayl” d r . v . e a y m o n d e d m a n The combined effort of twenty qualified scholars Enthusiastic Endorsements* SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES: ". . . will be found one of the best . . . very helpful for Bible study . . . faithfully abides by the evidence." CHRISTIAN HERALD: . .jolts the reader into new under­ standing of old words." DR. H. J. OCKENGA, pastor of Park Street Church, Boston says: ". . . emphasizes chronology, clarity and contemporary Deity . . . a great help in Bible study. I highly recommend the Berkeley Version." 1280 pages, S Y i" x SV a ", Pre-publication price $6.95 Regular price $7.95 (after June 30, 1959) ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Grand Rapids 6, Michigan

(*Comments on Berkeley New Testament)

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APRIL, 1959

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