King's Business - 1959-04

Reader Reaction Behind Prison Bars Dear Dr. Sutherland: I wish to express my thanks for the courtesy extended to our Institution in sending to our Protestant Chaplain’s of­ fice the KING’S BUSINESS each month. We deeply appreciate this kindness and assure you that the men of this Institution enjoy and receive great benefit from the KING’S BUSINESS. E ditor ’ s N ote : Through the kindness of some of our readers , special contributions to the magazine allow us the privilege of sending complimentary copies of the KING'S BUSINESS to needy areas such as state penal institutions. Also, as funds are available, gift subscriptions are sent to missionaries on the foreign field. W hile money in this fund is limited, our Editorial Board would be happy to consider the names of those missionaries or needy people to whom you would like to see the KING’S BUSINESS sent. Please enclose complete names and ad­ dresses. Due to the limited funds avail­ able, we hesitate to make this announce­ ment, but do so with the prayer that per­ haps other readers will want to give some of their tithe to this worthy project, ex­ tending the ministry of the printed page. Question on Christ's Coming Dear Dr. Talbot: In one of your recent columns, a ques­ tioner stated that he had always been taught that there were three appearings of Christ, whereas he could only find two. You agreed with him concerning the idea of only two. I believe the Scripture teaches three appearings. Perhaps there was a confusion with the terms “ appear­ ings” and “ comings.” The three appear­ ings are given to us in Hebrews 9:24-28. (1) He “ hath appeared to put away sin” ; (2) He now appears in heaven itself in the presence of God for us” ; (3) “ He shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” I am sure that you are much more familiar with this than I am. I do believe in three “ appearings,” but only two “ comings.” Rev. Joseph Green, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church Arvin, Calif. E ditor ’ s N ote : Rev. Green is correct, for the answer which Dr. Talbot gave referred to the “ comings” of Christ. W e appreciate the alertness of Reader Green. Service Feature Dears Sirs: I especially enjoyed the article on “ Ac­ cent on Service” (the story of the Chris­ tian Workers Service Bureau). We so often see in our churches the lack of really Spirit-filled teachers of the Word for our young people. Mrs. E. S. Minor, Ontario, Calif. | R. G. Pontius, Associate Chaplain, State of Calif. Dept, of Corrections, Calif. Institution for Men, Chino, Calif.

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