King's Business - 1959-04

New Book just out . . .


This book is a condensation into one volume of the first three books of THE CALVARY SERIES by Dr. Harry Rimmer. It preserves for the reader the keen and provocative studies of the author as well as challenging the reader to fulfill God’s plan for him. An excellent .answer to one who asks, ‘ ‘Why did Jesus die?” $3.00 E X C E L L E N T E A S T E R G I F T Order from Berne Witness, Inc., Berne, Indiana " A SYLLABUS FOR CLASSES IN PERSONAL EVANGELISM" 1959 Edition, 60c. Over 25,000 words, 855 Scrip­ ture references. How to memorize, mark Bible, approach lost, etc. Order from Biola Book Room or author, Ray W. Davenport 2421 W. Whittier Blvd., Whittier, California

James O. Henry, M.A., Editor, Chairman of the Department of History, Biola College

Marxism must be distinctly heard in Poland if a more or less “ free cultural discussion” is to be per­ mitted. The unusual problem facing the regime was discussed at a recent meeting of editors of leading liter­ ary and political weeklies with some members of the party’s Cen­ tral Committee. It was said there that unless some lively Marxist writings could be coaxed into ap­ pearance, the alternative might have to be a further tightening of political control over culture and especially over literature. Since the political upheaval of 1956, there have been complaints among some party leaders of the lack of an orthodox Marxist trend in Polish culture. For a long time, however, those who complained insisted that the reason lay in the domination of the press and publishing houses by “ revisionists.” This is the label ap­ plied to Communists determined to seek liberal reforms. For nearly a year, when the Party’s authority was weak, the ex­ planation seemed to have some va­ lidity. But this is no longer the case. “Revisionists” have been removed from major posts. Their removal has not led to any resurgence of supposedly repressed Marxist bril­ liance however. It has only left a gap. Party authorities are per­ plexed at this situation. They do not pretend to have a new explana­ tion for it and they say frankly that they do not understand. Tiny Cells Seen by New Technique Samples of substances weighing less than a million-billionths of a gram can be analyzed by a new British microscope technique. This is the “microphotetic method” of Bernard M. Turner, a London bio­ chemical analyst and instrument designer. It can be applied to the study of the cells of the brain and nervous system, cell duplication in­ cluding that in cancerous tissue and it will assist, it is believed, in the analyses of atmospheric polution by dust.

Bulgarian Church for Collectives The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church has called upon parish priests to support a Com­ munist drive for 100% collectiviza­ tion of the land. Total obedience to the state was urged on the village clergy in a letter signed by Patri­ arch Kiril of Bulgaria and nine other members of the synod. Its publication followed a meeting be­ tween the Patriarch and two lead­ ing figures of the Bulgarian regime, Premier Anton Yugov and Vulko Chervenkov, Minister of Education and culture. “As a matter of principle” the Synod declared, “ the formation of farm cooperatives for cultivation of land has not met, and cannot meet, with objections of an evangelical nature. On the contrary it can only be encouraged because it is in the evangelical Chr i st ian spirit for brethren to get together, to live and work together.” Sear ching the Scriptures for authority, the synod found an ad­ monition from Paul the Apostle “ that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your hands, as we commanded you” (1 Thess. 4:10,11). This is certainly utilitarianism of the vilest sort and a corruption of the Scrip­ ture. The synod also told the clergy to stress the example of communal ownership among “ the first Chris­ tians.” This was coupled with an unmistakable warning that the Bulgarian constitution and legal code made it a criminal offense to “misuse the Church and religion for political purposes.” It can be assumed that anything short of complete obedience to the state would be interpreted as a violation of the constitution. Voice of Marxism Sought in Poland Poland’s Communist party has run into a new kind of cultural crisis. The regime’s problem is no longer to silence dissident voices but to find effective spokesmen for Marxist culture. The Party has in­ sisted that the voice of orthodox

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ATTENTION BIBLE STUDENTS Aaron Picks’ English and Hebrew Bible Students Concordance has just been reprinted. Though the student cannot read Hebrew, this book lists alpha­ betically every Hebrew word with-its English pro­ nunciation and provides the English reader with the literal meaning of any word in the sacred original. CHARLES LEE FEINBERG, Th.D., Ph.D., professor of Semitics and Old Testament, Talbot Theological Seminary, Los Angeles, Calif., distinguished Old Testament scholar of our day said, “ A aron P icks ’ English and Hebrew Bible Students Concordance is A RECOGNIZED VALUABLE TOOL FOR THE SERIOUS BlBLE stu d e n t . I ts reissuance is very w elco m e .” REV. HENRY KULP says, “ T he best on O ld T estament word studies yet .” 589 Double Column Pages — PRICE $7.95 BIBLE STUDENTS BOOK SERVICE Box 516, Dania, Florida Send For Our Catalogue and Save on Books "DOES CHRIST LIVE IN YOUR HOME?" Christian Family Worship Rental $9 Catalog upon request when name of church is given. 1463 Vine St. Hollywood 28, Calif. HOIlywood 3-3155 Personalized Writing Course One Lesson on "STYLE” Eleven Lessons of YOUR Selection Send for Brochure By Author of 4020 Published Articles • Send 5c for her testimony: "I Was a Heathen" DOROTHY C. HASKIN 2573’A K Glen Green Hollywood 28, Calif. WANT ED Supervising R.N . for Christian Sani­ tarium. Experienced with elderly and senile. Located in Duarte (near Los Angeles). W rite: Box 151 - The King's Business 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California 30 minutes IHANSEN'S ¡CHURCH FILMS FILMS AND FILMSTRIPS WITH A MESSAGE Projectors & Screens



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