King's Business - 1959-04

NEXT FALL MAY BE T oo Tate In the welter of a world gone mad, of nation rising against nation, of the terror that stalks in the night, of the arrow that flieth by day, of pestilence and destruc­ tion, of the elements in commotion, is there not a warning in the stark realism of these few sentences taken from a letter recently sent us: "I was going to send the money this fall: but the Lord said. Send it now; next fall may be too late. Wouldn't it be wonderful if He came this Feast of the Trumpets, the ingathering of the Harvest? God does all things in order." And here is something for the earnest child of God to think about. What and if He should come at the time of the blowing of trumpets on the first day of the Month Tishri? W hat and if you were then suddenly caught up to be with Him? Do you not think it would please Him wonderfully, that you should now have your part in a testimony that warns Israel of the wrath to come? And do you know a better way to please Him, than to snatch a few brands from the burning, a few Jewish souls that will be your trophies when at last you lay your burden down and meet Him face to face. The time is short. That is why we keep reminding you of the privilege of sharing with Him in His yearning over the lost sheep of the House of Israel; and that is why so many of the Lord's choicest saints are counting it a joy to fellowship with us in our God-given task of these last days. Perhaps if you will make it a matter of earnest prayer, He will lead you also to become a burden bearer with us; and from experience we can assure you it will be a happy day for you. If the Lord leads you to use the coupon below, you will open the door of your heart to new revelation of truth concern­ ing Israel, and to a new experience of blessing, flowing out of the tried and tested promise of Gen. 12:3, " I will bless them that bless thee." N O W AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS, Inc. j 236 West 72nd St., New York 23, Dept. 8 i Dear Friends: I enclose two dollars for I your "Acquaintance Offer". This is to include one year's subscription to "The Chosen People," copy "The Lengthened Shadow of Leopold Cohn," life story of j ex-Rabbi miraculously led to Christ and I 12 assorted leaflets on various aspects of the Jewish problem. If I am not * satisfied, you are to return my money. (Your added gifts in fellowship with our j labors to bring the Gospel to the Jews I will be most welcome.) I Name...... Street........... .............................................. ] City..................... Zone.... State..... IN CANADA: . 39 King William St., Hamilton, Ont. .

This month:


I l ik e Brahms, Bach, and Handel.” “ I sure enjoy p e p p y g o s p e l music.” “ If music isn’t worshipful it has no place in church.” “ That church has the deadest music I ever heard.” “ If that’s Christian music, I’ll eat it; it sounds like jazz to me.” “ I think religious music is corny, especially long hair stuff.” Well, now I don’t propose to end this controversy in one easy column, but I do have suggestions that might foster a better understanding of the

and heavier liturgical forms of sacred music is liable to go through life never realizing that music can be lofty, awesome, rich and deep, stirring the soul to new worship experiences. You might also catch the same culprit drifting off for a comfy doze as the preacher moves into the 2nd point of a 3 point sermon on “The Doctrine of the Trinity.” If you will own up to the need for weightier preachment, then start working on your capacity to enjoy weightier music. If nothing more, it will be a great lesson in tol­ erance. You have heard about the man who said, “ If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s intolerance and negro spir­ ituals.” Would you boycott your evan­ gelist for telling a side-splitting anec­ dote? (You might if he told an old one.) The “ inspirational message” and “whimsical delivery” are privileges that Christians have enjoyed for a long time. Then why do you close your mind to the rhythmic spiritual and the lovely gospel song? Many a dreary sanctuary could be brightened by a ray of “heavenly sunlight.” You might find, much to your surprise, that you were human after all and, if nothing else, it would be a grand lesson in humility. Don’t think for a minute that a preference for certain kinds of sacred music is not absolutely justifiable. A person whose musical tastes are all inclusive is either very rare or very dishonest. (It’s also possible to be so disinterested . . . you don’t care.) I think one should have a preference but he shouldn’t cling so tightly to it that he misses the joys of scope and balance. For I know full well that there is sacred music to correspond with every Christian emotion and ex­ perience. In closing I hasten to admit that this discourse has been neither aca­ demic nor exhaustive, but I hope it has been fraught with common sense and Christian honesty. Next month I should like to aim a constructive blast at the artist, the minister of music and maybe the music committee (if I feel brave).

RALPH CARMICHAEL AT WORK problem. If you’ll excuse a personal reference, I’ll relate some of my own experiences. Often at Christmastime, we present Handel’s “ The Messiah” with soloists, full orchestra and chorus. This, to be sure, is a most stirring occasion both musically and spiritual­ ly. But it is accompanied by the dis­ approval of the younger set who claim that “ long haired” music doesn’t at­ tract young people to Christ. So, to get back in their good graces, I assure them that I enjoy doing their kind of music and promptly back up my claim by writing and conducting a rollick­ ing medley of youth choruses with an enthusiastic mass choir punctuated by volleys of flashy brass. And what have I done. . . . I’m in trouble now with the more conservative folk who at­ tended “The Messiah” performances. A layman who decries the anthem

C D E C . list in g o f lo n g p la y in g reco rd s o n a l l r t v E C . RELIGIOUS RECORDING LABELS . . . ALL ARTISTS — Write Today — B I O L A B O O K B O O M DEPT. KR-1 560 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES 17, CALIFORNIA

APRIL, 1959


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