King's Business - 1959-04

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller D ear Father, I thank Thee for my salvation, and I thank Thee for the Millers. I’m glad they opened their home to me. Help me to get all I can from them. Let the children be obedient because if they obey I will be better able to understand about this Christian life, and it will be easier for me to obey Thee. I thank Thee again for this experience in the Miller home. It’s wonderful they took me in. I thank Thee, and I know as I ask Thee that You’ll save Sally, Jon, Mother and Dad.” Tears in Mother’s eyes spilled over to moisten her cheeks. What a signi­ ficant prayer from one so young in the faith. Last September Betsy en­ tered Grace Livingston Hill Christian Day School with her twin, Sally. By November Betsy had capitulated to the claims of Christ and was bom again. Unexpected business problems forced a premature return of the fam­ ily to the north. Betsy did not want to leave the school where she had stepped from spiritual darkness into light. No one at home could under­ stand the change in her life or could help her. She asked the Millers if she could live with them so as to complete the school year here. After prayer and consultation with the children, espe­ cially the older girls, the family said “yes” and moved over to take Betsy into their hearts and home. The new daughter little dreams of the great responsibility her coming has placed on this family. Nor can she comprehend the near-fright at the awareness of what is expected of her “family.” At 16 she is getting her first introduction to the type of living which goes on in a Christian home. Betsy’s first impressions of “ Christ in you the hope of glory” are being formed in this home! Suddenly this family finds itself being examined by one who had never known there is another way of life until a few months ago. Such questions, bluntly and honestly asked, have forced a re-evaluation of how we have been living in and for Christ. It is small wonder, then, in view of the demands, expectations, and obser­ vations of this babe in Christ, that the Millers had to pull themselves up short and take some personal and family spiritual inventory. God has given us a difficult but glorious assign­ ment. He is reminding us that we must be “ an example of believers” (1 Tim. 4:12). We dare not in any way “ offend one of His little ones.” W ill you pray for Betsy and for us?


OSAKA CRUSADE led by Dr. Bob Pierce May 12—June 1 Join in prayer with Christians everywhere. Please write for details and attractive Bible bookmark.

Biola School of Missionary Medicine Training With Purpose diversified > accelerated > accredited < w*

Dentistry Four-month course. Ap­ proved by State of Califor­ nia Board of Dental Exam­ iners, Department of Voca­ tional and Professional Standards. Offered in one semester. Practical training in missionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and lab­ oratory work. Classes start in January.

Kursing Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, labora­ tory and hospital instruc­ tions and experience. The 12-month course qualifies the graduate to take the California State Board Ex­ amination and obtain the LV .N degree. Classes start in Septem­ ber and January.

All courses are open to: Christian missionaries, pros­ pective or on furlough, men or women workers, who may be stationed in areas remote from qualified medical care.

Biola School of MISS IONARY MEDICINE o school of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Dispensery Four-month course. Gives training in laboratory anal­ ysis and clinical practice, instruction on how to set up dispensary and how to deal intelligently with com­ mon ailments. Classes start in January.


APRIL, 1959

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