King's Business - 1959-04

(FOR HANDY FUTURE REFERENCE, CLIP OUT AND FILE) Special Idea Feature: Church Recreation By J IM SLEVCOVE Games You Can Use



■ P TESTAMENT nmlftlffn william

PARTS OF THE BODY Everywhere I go, I take with me: 1. Places of worship ....... Temples 2. Farm animals .................. Calves 3. A strong box .............. Chest 4. Musical instruments ......... Drums 5. Tools ........... Nails and hammer 6. F low ers ............... Iris and tulips 7. Part of a shoe ................ Tongue 8. Scholars ............................... Pupils 9. A shell fis h ...................... Muscle 10. Trees ................ Palms TREE TEST What trees are . . . 1. Never a lon e? .............. ........ Pear 2. Put away in the summer? .. Fir 3. Used in the ra in ? ..... 1 . Umbrella 4. Remain after a fire? .. .......... Ash 5. Well dressed? ............ .... Spruce 6. Carried with you? .... ....... Palm 7. Always sad ? ....... Pine , Weeping Willow 8. Straight to the line? . ...... Plum 9. Stick together? . .......... ........ Gum 10. A Seasoning? ............ .... Pepper 11. Good church man? .... ....... Elder 12. The hero’s tree? . ....... ..... Laurel FLOWER FESTIVAL Poppies 2. Worn by women? .. Lady-slipper 3. Time tellers? ......... Four o’clock 4. Vicious animals? .. Snapdragons 5. For a bride? .... Orange blossoms 6. Made to kiss? ..................... Tulips 7. Said in parting?..Forget-me-nots 8. Gay animals? ......... Dandelions 9. In one’s e y e ? .......................... Iris 10. Ring in a breeze? .... Blue-bells In receiving the answers from par­ ticipants, it is often better to have them shout the answers rather than raising their hand. Also, you may want to let the first one to stand an­ swer. Further interest in the game can be added by subtracting a point, if there are sides, when a wrong an­ swer is given. What flowers are . . . 1. Parents? ...............


Mr. Slevcove Pastor, Young Russian Christian Association G a m e s that are most enjoyed are those in which everyone can par­ ticipate. Get everyone “ into the act” and all will be sure to have a happy fun time. Puzzles, riddles and quizzes provide this type of recreation that can be used at camps, parties, ban­ quets and so forth. ALPHABET QUIZ The answers are words made up from letters of the alphabet. 1. Containing noth ing ............... MT 2. To behold .................................. C 3. An in sect .................................... B 4. Part of a body .......................... I 5. A tent .......... .......................... TP 6. A famous p o em .................... LEG 7. A number ................................ AT 8. All rig h t ................................ O.K. 9. A b ird .......................................... 7 10. To surpass .............................. XL 11. A creeping vine ..................... IV 12. A foe ... ... NME 13. A beverage ............................... T 14. An animal ................................ U 15. An im ag e ..............................■ FEG 16. A girl’s n am e .................. KT, LC 17. Jealousy .................. -.............. NV 18. A question ................................. Y 19. A vegetable ............................. P 20. Intemperance .......................... XS BOOKS OF THE BIBLE 1. A type of hay .................. Timothy 2. Transparent material ..... Micah 3. What one does in a play .. Acts 4. Written ev en ts ......... Chronicles 5. Radio partner of Andy .... Amos 6. Seeking employment ......... Job 7. Ruled by the Caesars .... Romans 8. Presides over courts ....... Judges 9. Wise sayings . .............. Proverbs 10. King u>ho ordered revision of the B ib le ........................ James

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