King's Business - 1959-04

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By Phi! Kerr I BELONG TO THE KING Words by Ida L. Reed Music by Maurice A. Clifton


Mi s s Re ed was seated at her organ one day, p l a y i n g i d l y as she mused about a story she had just read in the Christian Her­ ald of a young girl who had r e p l i e d , “ Oh, it’p because I

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Phil Kerr

belong to the King!” when someone had asked how she could keep so sweet amid her many trials. As Miss Reed mused, words began forming them­ selves in her mind, resulting in the now-well-known “ I Belong To The King.” The poem was set to music, published, and was in general circu­ lation for ten years before the author knew of its-popularity. Ida L. Reed was born Nov. 30, 1865, on a farm near Phillippi, West Vir­ ginia. Physical overwork brought on life-long afflictions. Her father having died in her youth, and her mother being an invalid, Ida was left with oversight of the farm and the other children. She was bedridden for years, adding to her meager income by writ­ ing poems for periodicals even in hours of pain. In spite of her lifetime of suffering, she has outlived her brothers and sisters. Now in her eighties, she lives within a few miles of her birthplace, “running a truck- garden and farm, besides writing.” I'LL GO WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GO Words by Mary Brown Music by Carrie E. Rounsefell Homer Rodeheaver writes: “Mrs. Rounsefell is a tiny woman who lives in Boston. She used to do evangelistic work, and accompanied her singing with an old-fashioned zither. One day a friend handed her the words of this hymn and immediately a tune came to her and she struck a chord on her zither and sang the song . . .” Southern California residents and visitors are reminded of the special MUSICALES directed by Phil Kerr. Every Monday night at 7:30 P.M. in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, and the second Sunday afternoon of each month in the new auditorium of the BIOLA Campus in La Mirada at 2:30 P.M. Always a rich inspiration in musical testimony.

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APRIL, 1959


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