King's Business - 1959-04

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Largest group represented at the school’s Hospitality Day for high schoolers was from the Twin Lakes Baptist Church of Santa Cruz, Cali­ fornia, Dr. Roy Kraft, pastor. Coming 400 miles for the program, the group included a l um n i l e a d e r s in the church, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mercer (see be­ low).

More than 500 high school teen­ agers gathered recently on BIOLA’s new La Mirada Campus to hear prog­ ress reports of the school and to view buildings completed and under con­ struction. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles will open its training facilities in La Mirada September of this year.

Another group attending the hospi­ tality day program, coming from a great distance, was the Watsonville First Baptist Church, pastored by Dr. Ralph Kraft. The group was led by Bob Ramsey, assistant pastor of the church (see above).

Young people from Twin Lakes Baptist Church, Santa Cruz, California.

Hungry students were fed during the noontime recess at Hospitality Day. Food was provided by the school in cooperation with student leaders and members of the BIOLA Women’s Auxiliary.

BIOLA leaders for the hospitality day included (from left to right, above) Mr. Stuart “ Pick” Cunning­ ham, president of the student body, Miss Betty Morris, student coordi­ nator of the program and Dr. James H. Christian, dean and registrar of BIOLA. * * * * *

Plans are already under way for the 1960 Torrey Memorial Conference. The program will be the silver anni­ versary of the annual series of meet­ ings. Pictured above at a gathering of speakers and pastors are Dr. George Peek, pastor of the North Long Beach Brethren Church, and speaker, Dr. Bob Cook, vice-president of Scripture Press. Speakers for the 25th annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference include Drs. Vance Havner, John Linton and H. H. Savage.

More than 20 major denominations are represented in the student body of BIOLA’s four schools this year. A number of churches are sending as many as 15 and 20 students for train­ ing. One of the highest per capita churches in this area is the Cogswell Community Church of El Monte, California. Out of 35 members of the church, nine are students at BIOLA. Pictured above are eight of the stu­ dents, from left to right, first row: Sharon Rommel, Lucille Howard, Joan Smotherman and Hazel Steven­ son. In the second row: Wally Deic- ken, Bob McCollum, Jim Smotherman and Nancy Smith.

Progress is moving ahead rapidly on BIOLA’s new full time radio station, KBBI, 107.5 on the FM dial. The sta­ tion is to be on the air in a matter of days, as tests are completed on the equipment. Surveying the work al­ ready completed are pictured above: Mr. A1 Sanders, (LEFT) vice-presi­ dent of BIOLA, and Dr. Theodore Epp, director of the “ Back to the Bible” broadcasts.

Investments of interested friends have made possible the purchase of some of the necessary equipment for BIOLA’s new station. Pictured is a portion of the tape recording instru­ ments which are being installed.


APRIL, 1959

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