King's Business - 1959-04


Douglas Aircraft Company's RB 66 "Destroyer" takes off from the Long Beach plant runway.

is a group which knows “ from whence cometh our help.” While all credit and glory is given to the Lord Jesus Christ, one is impressed by the fact that the leaders and members of the Douglas Christian Fellowship believe that Christianity is a 24-hour, 7-day- week job!

and a number of large manufacturing plants throughout the country have started similar groups. The spectacle of a hundred people bowed in reverent prayer in the midst of deadly atom bombers is a wonder­ ful testimony to those who pass by. The witness gives evidence that here

every employee has a responsibility to the Company. “ Keep in mind that any breach of confidence could ruin the testimony of the Fellowship,” is pointed out in a Fellowship bulletin. Area teachers are reminded: “ Open and close meetings on time, keep meeting places clean and neat and avoid activities on company time. In­ discreet use of tracts should be avoid­ ed.” Undergirding all of the accom­ plishments and activities of the Fel­ lowship is prayer and a remarkable degree of inter-denominational unity has developed. There are three sep­ arate prayer sessions daily. Outstand­ ing cooperation has been experienced with plant officials who are enthusi­ astic in their support. Use of facil­ ities, equipment, mail privileges, and a host of other accommodations have been extended to the Christian group. The Douglas A i r c r a f t Company should be strongly commended for their earnest desire to foster the work of the group. Financial needs are kept at a min­ imum, but interested men are invited to help support a former Douglas em­ ployee who is now a missionary in Singapore and to help maintain a res­ cue mission here at home. Other Douglas plants have similar meetings,

From left to right, officers of the Douglas Christian Fellowship are: Bob Knight, chair­ man (BIOLA '51); Harry Wade (BIOLA '52); Al Hude, secretary-treasurer; "Doc" Underwood; Clay Davis, vice-chairman; Jim Clark; Jim Staybolt, DC-8 vice chairman.

APRIL, 1959


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