King's Business - 1959-04

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with Ken Poure are living for Him, but I am speaking of those who come to our churches week in and week out and never show any signs of spiritual life. Another tool that the Spirit always uses is His powerful Word. We believe that the Word is the sword that the Spirit uses to cut into the religious soul and reveal its emptiness. From time to time in your group, have a very objective study on the new birth and what it is to be a Christian. Study the lives of Bible characters who were transformed by the Lord and note the changes which took place. Have your young people study the testimonies of present day Christians, analyzing them carefully (tracts are full of personal testi­ monies). Begin asking pointed, per­ sonal questions of individuals in your group, and I know the Spirit of God will do His office work. Our third problem is that of bom- again church members who live such shallow spiritual lives that it is hard to tell whether they are spiritually alive or not. Once again we were deal­ ing with a serious situation but it was unanimously agreed that this type of person could be helped in the same way as that of case number two, only with a different emphasis. The babe in Christ will never get out of the in­ fant stage until he begins to think. He must understand and relate his Christian life to the world in which he lives. Ask questions — get him to think. A simple question like, “ Jim, why do you think God saved you?” or “Mary, what purpose has the Lord in leaving us here on earth?” might be the means of leading your “sleepers” out of their “ enchanted forest” to a really productive spiritual life. Chal­ lenge them to study portions of Scrip­ ture which deal with fruitful living. Back each one with much prayer and the victory will soon be won. In closing, let me suggest a pro­ gram that is geared for your Christian teen-agers. This program is called “ Powerhouse” and the members are known as Campus Missionaries. The plan is simple and effective if used correctly. It centers around systematic Bible study, Scripture memorization prayer, and witnessing on the campus. There are no short cuts to power and the sooner we realize it and begin to feed our high schoolers with the Bread of Life, the sooner we shall develop soldiers of the Cross who can endure hardness and power-filled disciples that will be able to teach others.


Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping —• Thumb Index -— Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York.

Ken Poure p a Christian Leaders’ Institute recently I was asked to lead a youth forum on “ The Development of Discipleship Among Our Teen- Agers.” I would like to give you the brief outline and conclusion. There are three major problems in this de­ velopment. Number one is the sad fact that many teachers and youth leaders themselves are undisciplined disciples. It is impossible to see real spiritual growth in the lives of young Christians when their leaders are stunted with “ spiritual paralysis.” We are all conscious of the tremen­ dous influence a worldly personality plays in the minds of teen-agers. Some tall “ string-bean” with long hairy side bums and an old guitar had mil­ lions of teen-agers on the march after him overnight. They form fan clubs that spend all the money they can lay their hands on for records. Why? There are many reasons, but the main one is that they see in their leader something that makes them want to follow. Christian friend, when will we ever leam that the old philosophy “ Don’t do as I do, but do as I say” must be abolished. Let us be able to say with Paul as he wrote in First Corinthians 11:1, “ Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” Problem number two is. the awful fact that we have many “ churchie” young people in our churches who have never been bom again. This tragedy is all too common and the solution is not an easy one. Most of these make-believe Christians have a head knowledge of Christ and are able to talk the Christian “ lingo.” Many are sincere in their church activities and to the best of their knowledge they are Christians. To get beneath the “ religious veneer” of this kind of person can be done only by the Holy Spirit Himself. However, He always seems to use human instru­ ments — clean tools — to perform this operation. A major correction can be made by the teachers, and that is never to take | for granted that a young person is bom-again just because he is always in Sunday School and Church. I real­ ize there is the majority who have been transformed by Jesus Christ and

Books Wanted Religious libraries purchased. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan.

Bible Rebinding Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, re­ binding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Music Music composed, edited, arranged, printed for your hymn-poems. Folders Free. Raymond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Wanted Supervising R.N. for Christian Sanitarium. Ex­ perienced with elderly and senile. Located in Duarte (near Los Angeles). Write Box 151, c/o King's Business, 558 So. Hope Street, Los An­ geles 17, California. TEACHERS! For continent-wide openings (month­ ly) in Christian elementary and secondary schools, write National Association of Christian Schools, 10201 South State Street, Chicago 28. Correspondence School / You, too, can acquire a working knowledge of the Bible in your home through courses by Bible Institute professors. Send for descrip­ tion of courses offered. Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558-K S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. Miscellaneous 40% DISCOUNT off any new portable type­ writer; 30% discount off new duplicators, ad­ dressers, adding machines; tape recorders. Trial offer 24 mimeo stencils $1.00. Gillies, Box 155, Hawthorne, Calif. in Glendale B IO LA BOOKROOM "The Complete Christian Supply Center” 121 W. Wilson - Glendale, Calif. FREE Information on how you can start a t(Poiverhouse Club” in your church. WRITE TODAY TO: EXTENSION DEPT. Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Los Angeles 17, Calif.



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