

Residential Assisted Living Academy T he Residential Assisted Liv- ing Academy is America’s #1 Let The Numbers Tell The Story $4,000  The average cost for a

source for senior care home in- vestment and business education. Headed by leading national expert, Gene Guarino, the RAL™ Academy has trained thousands of people throughout the United States how to… “do good and do well”. We teach you in a real-world, step-by-step context of how to start and operate a Residential Assisted Living business. We share our prov- en and tested model that we have perfected over many years. Our goal is for each graduate to have the confidence, systems, resources, and support to success- fully operate their own Residential Assisted Living business(es). The Residential Assisted Living Opportunity The Residential Assisted Liv- ing Academy introduces you to a lucrative opportunity that can yield $10,000 per month NET cash flow for you as well as those who you are survived by. This is a NEW business and investment formula, an opportu- nity for ANYONE to succeed, from investors and entrepreneurs to everyday people and their families. Could you “get by” with a $10,000 monthly income?

private room in an Assisted Living Facility in the US is over $4,000 per month. $10,000+ A single-family home can net you $10,000 per month or more!

In the United States right now there are…

77,000,000 baby boomers 10,000 turn 65 every day 4,000 turn 85 every day

Meet Gene Guarino - Founder & CEO of

The Residential Assisted Living Academy TM

The #1 dilemma for these baby boomers…housing! That dilemma is YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Just ONE home can secure your financial future… FOREVER! Now YOU can learn the step-by- step RAL Formula™ that turns a single-family home into $5,000, $10,000, even $15,000 of income… every single month! The Residential Assisted Living Academy was started to teach smart people, just like you, how to take ad- vantage of the remarkable opportu- nity that exists in providing services to our aging population while apply- ing a proven system to secure your financial future. We teach you a safe, lucrative, and easier way to build and secure your financial future using our proven formula that protects you against economic downturns, mar-

Gene has trained thou- sands of investors and entrepreneurs through- out the United States how to invest in and operate residential as- sisted living homes. For over 25 years he has been educating people on the strategies of successful investing, business and self-employment.

ket crashes, and job losses. Once you know how to capitalize on the tremendous need for senior housing, you’ll have the tools and knowledge to protect your family’s future while building a legacy for yourself – plus you’ll get back con- trol of your life… once and for all. • *No guarantee of income or profit is given. Presented for educational purposes only.


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