■ by D. Stuart Briscoe
THE ADVANTAGES T h e r e are so m e very wonderful ad vantages co n c e rn in g p e rson a l evangelism which we should consider. The first is that it can be done by anyone. It doesn’t require an especial ly gifted evangelist to make the proc ess successful. If such a ministry of reconciliation could only be done by the specialized and gifted bold evan gelist, then the potential of reaching the lost would be greatly limited. Every bom again believer, however, should be a soul winner. This is God’s norm for the Christian. Consider for a moment the story of Naaman who was a great and mighty man of valor. He was a re spected and brave soldier serving as a leader in the army. His problem had to do with contracting leprosy. Every one was sorry for him, but there was nothing anyone could do to help. There was a little girl in his household who was a prisoner of war. She served as personal assistant to Naaman’s wife. Lonely, and far from home, she too, became concerned about Naaman’s disease. She opened her mouth and began to speak. She told her master of a man who was able to heal him. Who would listen, however, to a little prisoner of war in such a subordinate position? What an exaggerated claim for anyone to make. After all, Naaman was incurable. The little lass, however, would not be quiet. She kept right on. There were many lepers during the time of Naaman but he alone was healed. How did such a girl know that it could happen to him? It was noth ing less than God at work in her heart. People began to listen to what she said. He acted on what he heard and was healed of the disease. Now, if God can use a little child in such oppressed conditions think what He could do with your life. This should be a solemn thought. The Lord will take anyone who is ready and willing to be used. Through them He will pour untold blessings.
One day the Lord Jesus Christ was walking through Samaria. This was unusual since, from a human stand point, He was a Jew and the Jews had no dealing with the Samaritans. He sat down at the well of Sychar and started conversing with a woman who, from her appearance, could be seen as an individual of ill-repute. He told her the truth about herself and she got converted. She was understand ably so excited about it that she left her water bucket and went back home to tell others what had happened. Sychar’s well can still be seen in the holy land. It is approximately one mile from the village itself. How long has it been since you walked a mile? (My last recollection of the United States is that people seldom walk anywhere.
Family life is an important aspect in thelives of Biota faculty and staffmembers. Pictured center above is Dr. GlenO'Neal,professor of Practical Theology at Talbot Theological Semi nary. With him are membersof the family stil at home. From left to right are Mrs. O'Neal, daughters Becky and Phyllis and son Dale, thelatter of whom is also a graduate of Talbot. Dr. O'Neal servedas pastor in Brethren churches for more than twenty years. He is moderatorof theNational Felowship of Breth ren Churches and has ben a member for fiften yearsof theforeign missions board of the denomination.His wife manages the Haci enda ChristianRest Home in Anaheim which is maintained for Christians who are up in years and need this type of loving care.
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