Biola Broadcaster - 1967-07

Being an Englishman, occasionally I wanted to walk here and there. People thought I was ill. Someone told me that in the future there may be a real danger of American babies being born with wheels instead of feet.) Such a hike can take about 20 minutes. When she arrived in the community she met some men who had been her weakness. Christ, however, had dealt with her weaknesses already. She went straight to them and testified, “Come, see a man who told me all that ever I did. Is not this the Christ?’’ She was on the job with the result that a tremen- MY SAVIOUR CALLS M y Saviour died Himself, to all, How can I then refuse His call, To follow Him, to share His Cross To count all earthly gain but loss? He died for all, that all might live, How can I then refuse to give Allegiance to His cause? Can I Refuse the life to those who die? He laid aside heaven's glory bright To come to earth; have I the right To stay at home while millions cry To be released from Satan's tie? One day He came unto His own, But they received Him not, they had grown Too proud; Am I less proud than they If I His will do not obey? — Written by a nurse from the Congo dous blessing was given. Many people believed on the Lord because of what they heard this converted woman tell them. The Lord used a little slave girl, a fallen woman, and a poor demon- possessed maniac to do personal evan­ gelism. None of these had ever been to Bible school or seminary. Don’t ex­ cuse yourself for lack of training, un­ less you are just trying to find an excuse. Personal evangelism is some­ thing in which every believer must engage. All you need is a brain in your head, a tongue in your mouth, and Christ in your heart. If you have all three then you qualify.

Faith it not so much believing that God can, but rather that God will. * * * THE TREE OF LIFE Missionaries in South America tell the interesting story of a deadly poi­ sonous snake and the way God has provided for the defense of those whose paths it might cross. While out in the hush, the missionary was attracted by the obviously desperate cries of a bird, fluttering its wings protectively over its nest. Creeping slowly along the tree branch toward the baby birds was this venomous snake. Its glistening body and beady eyes were riveted upon the nest. All of a sudden, one of the birds, apparently the male, flew away, only to appear again in a few mo­ ments with a small leaf-covered twig in its beak. This was placed carefully across the branch so that it covered the way to the nest. Flying then to the top of the tree, the bird took up a silent vigil, seeming to await the ap­ proach of the enemy without the pre­ vious cries of desperation. As the rep­ tile reached the spot on the limb where the tung was resting, it all of a sud­ den threw its head back as if receiv­ ing some sort of stunning blow, and eventually slithered away into the tall grass. The missionary picked up the protective twig and took 'it back to ask natives what it was. They explained that it had come from a bush which was poisonous to the snake, one rep­ tiles had never been known to touch. What a protective shield for the seem­ ingly helpless bird! The Word of God refers to Satan as “that old serpent." Without question, his purpose and in­ terest is the spiritual destruction of men and women. The Lord has told us, however, of a tree that’s certain pro­ tection for old and young alike, namely the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ who gave His life for us on Calvary. Are you claiming this protection? Without it, you have no hope of salvation. Don’t try to ward off the attacks of Satan by yourself; it can’t be done. Use the power God affords, for “greater is He that is in you, that he that is in the world.’’ * The only difference between bitter and better is an "1." 13 * *

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