PANEL DISCUSSIONS with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
The 19th and 20th chapters of Rev elation show us the eternal suffer ing of the wicked. The fire of hell has a certain quality to it wherein the individual is not burned up—but rather preserved for punishment and torment. Carefully consulting books on science clearly reveal that there is no such thing as annihilation of matter. This is absolutely impossi ble. Q. Oregon (name of city withheld). — “My husband does not like my fam ily. I can hardly drag him over to visit them. I know they have their faults, but I love them. What shall I do?" A. F irst of all, stay with your hus band. This is the scriptural view point. Certainly you love your fam ily despite any faults they may have. Don’t try to drag your husband with you. Let him know you go, but don’t keep “nagging.” Your parents may be to blame as well in ways which may not be apparent to you. We would need to have more information on the situation to give a more ade quate answer. Q. Eugene, Ore. — “In Matthew IS: 18-17 J e su s asked the question, ‘Whom do men say that I, the Son of man, am?’ His disciples answered, ‘Some say John the Baptist; some, 22
Q. Bellingham, Wash. — “I want to meditate, pray, and read my Bible daily, but I find it difficult to keep my mind from straying. How can I overcome this?" A. This is a problem most of us have to face. Generally, it is a mat ter of the will. When you find your thoughts wandering, pull yourself back on the track. Go back to where your mind started straying and be gin again. Another suggestion is to read with an idea of coming up with an outline of the specific passage of Scripture. Whether you use the outline or not, figure out the major points of the passage. It would even help to keep notes. Before you ever start to read, ask the Lord to help you concentrate on what you are doing. Q. Westminister, Calif. — “Would you explain Malachi 1:1-8. This seems to be a passage used to teach the annihilation of the wicked. I believe a certain cult teaches this." A. You are correct on this final point for there are several false systems which erroneously teach such un- scriptural views. Neither this pas sage, nor any other in the Bible, teaches the annihilation of the wick ed. We find here figurative language ; it is the language of appearance.
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