Biola Broadcaster - 1967-07

a worship of our resurrected Sav­ iour. Actually He is to be worshipped from the rising of the sun until the going down thereof. As to t h e phrase, “they put the branch to their nose,” this indicated, a form of snub­ bing, or showing contempt. This shows how fa r the people had gone in mocking God. Man cannot get away with this. These people pro­ voked God to anger. Q. Salem, Ore. — “From time to time I have heard Bible teachers, when referring to the Passover, say that the death angel passed through the Egyptian camp. I cannot find any­ where in the Bible that it was the death angel but rather the Lord Him­ self. Am I misinterpreting scripture or is the Lord known as the death angel?” A. No, the Lord is not known as the death angel. Angels are ministering angels created and ordained by the Lord. The Scripture is eminently clear in Exodus 12:29. Q. Redlands, Calif. — “My children say that they are Christians, but see no harm in dancing. Is there anything wrong with it?” A. We believe tha t there is every­ thing wrong with dancing as it is known today. I t is based upon sex appeal and that which is sensuous. It leads to immorality and sin. The dance is pagan in nature. This is borne out by sociologists. Those who use the weak excuse that dancing is mentioned in Scripture fail to real­ ize that what is referred to is a form of worship. I t was not for social purposes a t all. It exemplified certain ritualistic features of the Jewish religion. It was a fa r cry from the modern dance today, per­ formed before the Lord and not be­ tween the sexes. Q. Yakima, Wash.— “Mark 10:9 reads, ‘Whom therefore God hath joined to- 24

Ezekiel 8:9-18. I t is very clear that the Lord does not like sunrise Easter worship, but what does the sentence mean ‘they put the branch to their nose.’ ” A. Ezekiel is preaching in Babylon due to the deportation to folk back in Israel telling them that they shouldn’t think they were to escape God’s judgment. There will be a day of reckoning coming, he points out. These people were carrying on some of the most shameful idolatry, wor­ shipping the sun, burning incense, with images on the walls, and other places. There is nothing in this por­ tion, however, which would indicate that the Lord doesn’t want us to participate in Easter sunrise service. How such an inference is made is strange indeed. This is not some vain ritual or carnal ordinance, but continued from page 2 THE BIOLA HOUR

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