Jeremiah or Elijah was reincarnated. Of course, the Israelite people, as a result of their many dispersions, picked up some of the Oriental mysti cal ideas of a second life. Whatever they may have thought, let it be underscored that there is nothing in this passage, or in any other portion of Scripture whatsoever, which would support such an erroneous and un- biblical view. In the prophecy of Malachi the children of Israel were instructed to wait for Elijah to re turn but not to be reincarnated. We do know that Elijah appeared with Moses on the Mount of Transfigura tion. Neither one of these passages has anything to do with reincarna tion. The one in Matthew 16 would indicate an erroneous view on the part of the disciples, if indeed they meant r e in c a r n a tio n . Remember, they could just as easily have meant resurrection. * The fellow who considers himself a big gun, will probably soon be fired. * * * * *
Q. Lodi, Calif. — “All of my life I have kept the first day of the week holy, but what proof do I have that it is the Sabbath?” A. You don’t have any. The seventh day, or what we know as Saturday, is the Sabbath. The first day of the week, according to Scripture, is the Lord’s day. We celebrate this day in honor of Christ’s resurrection as did the early church. Christ is our sabbath, our rest from the works of the law and the flesh. We are not under law in regard to the seventh day. Q. Olympia, Wash. — “In the first sev eral chapters of Proverbs Solomon addresses much instruction to ‘my son.’ Does that refer to his son, and if so, which one?” A. I t doesn’t have reference to his son after the flesh but rather these are instructions from the Lord God. He is speaking to those who are in a covenant relationship with Him. They are sons by adoption. In an other sense, an instructor may often refer to his pupil as “son.” There is a certain bond between teachers and students. Q. Denver, Colo. — “Is there a differ ence between the new birth and re generation?” A. These terms are synonomous. John 3 gives us a number of refer ences and illustrations of what being born again means. Titus 3 :5 likewise tells us about regeneration. The Holy Spirit is the One by whom an in dividual is saved and becomes bom again or regenerated. * * * Although we may not be able to see the promised land, we can confidently trust the guidance of the promised hand. * * * A conceited man is like one up in a balloon: everybody looks small to him, and he looks small to everyone else. * * * 26
Mr. Thomas E. Stele (left), formerdirector of radio for Biola, receives a copy of the New Scofield Reference Bible presented by Mr. Al Sanders, vice president of Public Re lations.Mr. Steel has been appointed South American Representative for the schol.
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