Biola Broadcaster - 1967-07


by D. Stuart Briscoe


O NE OF THE MOST BASIC FACTORS about personal evangelism is the understanding that the Gospel must demonstrate the power of God. It is intended to bring the blessing of sal­ vation. This is, as we suggested, em­ bodied in the scope of the past, pres­ ent and future deliverance which the Lord has for us. It is our joyful privi­ lege as children of God to present this thrilling message to those with whom we come in contact day by day. Salvation can only come to those who believe. Therefore, the Gospel brings the blessing of salvation only when faith is emphasized. Those who are engaging in evangelism, whether on a mass or personal basis, must always bear this in mind. Every hu­ man being has a mind in addition to a will. He has certain emotions. Some preaching is directed to him simply through his mind. It is merely intel­ lectual. If my presentation of God’s truth is purely aimed in this direc­ tion, there isn’t likely to be much blessing. Then again some preaching is purely emotional. It is possible for a minister, telling the right kind of stories, to work upon one’s emotions. Again, this will result in little lasting effectiveness. It is also possible for a ministry to be aimed purely at the will. When an individual has a very strong personality it is possible that the listener, who may have a weaker will, may give in and be dominated and captivated by the other. They may be led to do something they had never intended to do. Evangelism must be directed to the mind. Instruct people in the truth concerning the Saviour, as well as the truth concerning their own sinful selves. They need to be taught in such a way that they will be moved by what they hear. Plainly tell them of the love of the Lord. Speak to them frankly about the awfulness of sin and the greatness of salvation. From

your own experience let them know the thrill of the real Christian life. When they have understood, and are moved by what they understand, chal­ lenge them with the next step, seeing if they are ready to do something about it personally. This alone will cause a person to exercise faith. A few days ago I was talking to a young man who told me that he works with another Christian in an office which has three men in it. Both Christians have been witnessing to the third individual. He now knows all there is to know about salvation since he has been “attacked” from both sides, as it were. While he has been challenged, moved, and instructed, still he has never been converted. I in­ quired of the fellow who came to me, “Did you ever arrive at the point of asking him if he would like to accept the Lord Jesus Christ?” There was a

D. Stuart Briscoe of the Torchbearers' Fellowship Caperwray Hall , Lancashire, England, is this month's featured speaker on "The Biola Hour." His penetrating and helpful series on Personal Evangelism will be continuedfor severalof the broadcasts in July.


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