Lincoln Trail College 2023-24 Annual Report

Harness’s blockchain passion leads to organization

L incoln Trail College alumus Nicholas Harness (‘23) has a passion for blockchain and Web3 and that passion has led to him being an instrumental figure in the move - ment on campuses around the world. He’s the founder of the University Blockchain Alliance, now known as College DAO, an organization with the goal of making the blockchain space more accessible to students. Blockchain is a technology that allows people to share information securely and transparently without relying on a central authority. It’s like a digital ledger where transactions are recorded and verified by a network of computers, making it difficult to tamper with. This makes it a highly reliable and secure method for recording and sharing information, which is useful for applications like financial transactions, supply chain management, and digital identity verification. Web3 refers to the next generation of the internet, where data and applications are decentralized and powered by blockchain technology. It’s a new paradigm that shifts control from centralized entities to users, enabling greater privacy, security, and freedom online. In Web3, users have greater ownership and control over their data and are able to participate in a more open and democratic digital ecosystem.

and cryptocurrency resources for smaller universities and colleges. This led him to establish the DAO, which has since grown to include over 150 schools and has a presence in 30 countries. Harness believes that a lack of student interest can be a major obstacle for smaller universities that want to establish blockchain clubs. “The DAO’s role is to bring in connections, partnerships, and opportunities that would help smaller universities grow their blockchain clubs.” Through the DAO, students from any university can participate in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space and gain access to resources that were previously only available to large universities. Harness said, “our network allows students to participate in research, attend events, and connect with other blockchain clubs and industry professionals.” This has helped to promote the adoption of blockchain technology and has created a more equitable playing field for all students interested in the space. Harness’s goal is to promote the mass adoption of blockchain technology and to level the playing field for students interested in the space. He believes that organ- izations like the DAO will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of the space. “As blockchain technology continues to evolve, the DAO will provide resources and opportunities to students from all back- grounds, helping to create a more diverse and inclusive

Harness’s passion for blockchain technology began in high school when he recognized the lack of blockchain

16 LTC Annual Report

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