Lincoln Trail College 2023-24 Annual Report

Lincoln Trail College

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, the DAO will provide resources and opportunities to students from all backgrounds, helping to create a more diverse and inclusive blockchain community

ABOVE: The College DAO logo.

blockchain community.”

business, emerging technology, and the tech space in general. As for his future, Harness plans to continue his education at the University of Illinois where he will study economics. He plans to continue his work with the DAO and would like to start a business. Recently he’s been working with a company that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help colleges and college students. He also wants to keep helping Lincoln Trail College and other Illinois Eastern Community College students. “DAO is working on a conference that would essentially rival some of the largest Web3 events in the US. We want it to be a mecca for the student space. We’re hoping to get a group of students from LTC to the event and give them an opportunity to get their foot in the door and learn more about the space. We’ll have speakers from all of the top companies, a lot of the most well-known people in the tech world, and a lot of the founders of the largest companies [at the event]. It will be a great opportunity and we intent to make the opportunity open to LTC and the other IECC schools.” 

Harness says the growth of DAO has also given him a chance to grow. One of the areas where he’s seen growth has been in his communications and networking skills. Another area of growth has been in technology. “I’ve never been that technically minded. I’m awful when it comes to the computer science side of things. I’m an economics student and more interested in that facet and have better understanding the economic and financial outlook. In the last year and a half as we’ve built out DAO, I’ve gotten a lot more familiar with kind of that end of things. I’ve had the opportunity to sit in on work - shops led by some of the best minds in the space. We’re working with essentially some of the people who built this space, the original people who were at the univer- sities and putting out research papers when they were students or when they were in-house researchers. It’s like we’re working with some of the greatest academic minds where it’s like it’s hard not to improve, hard not to learn when you’re around those people and talking to them and you’re just nonstop getting in-depth explained on how out everything works.” Harness has used the connections he’s made through DAO to benefit students at Lincoln Trail College. He’s been involved in Student Senate, Phi Theta Kappa, and Future Business Leaders of America and has done things like bringing speakers to meetings virtually to talk about

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