August 2024

M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Thriving Under 40 — August 2024 — 15

T hriving U nder 40

VP Retail Leasing Advisory at Jeffery Realty Advice for the Next Generation: Shane Wierks on Trusting the Journey in Real Estate


pay off (at the time), but trust - ing the words of established brokers, and landlords that I continually dealt with, and their words of wisdom to keep my head down, put in the work. It is not an easy concept at that age being commission only and working 14 hours days. What outside activities do you enjoy during you free time? Outside of work, I enjoy play - ing sports still, and love being on the water, weather it is in the pool or out on the boat. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a

hat is your most no- table project, deal or transaction?

young executive graduating from college today? I would give the same advice I was given when I first started out, and that is to keep your eye on the prize. This industry is not something that shows much success in the first couple of years, but is about planting seeds, and over time, you will see significant growth. You have to trust the journey so as long as you are putting in the time, and you have to keep reminding yourself where you want to be and end up, not to compare yourself to your peers or friends. MAREJ

Shane Wierks VP Retail Leasing Advisory Jeffery Realty Years with company/firm: 16 Years in field: 16 Years in real estate industry: 16 Real estate organizations/affiliations: ICSC Member, Board member for New Jersey Chapter of Site Source

My most notable deal hap- pens to be one of my first deals at the beginning of my career. It took me roughly a year to sell a former steakhouse to what is today Buffalo Wild Wings. It is notable to me personally due to the fact that this was done in my hometown, and I got to see the impact of the hard work I put in making that transaction happen, to the real-life vision of seeing friends and locals in my area go there for dinner, sporting events, and such. What impact has social media/networking had on your career? Networking has opened ma - jority of my doors to success. This allows me to get in front of other professionals in my industry, landlords, develop - ers, etc., and parlay into them being clients. I always kept networking a priority as in person has always proven to be significantly more beneficial than any call, email or text! Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in, about your current position and why you choose the field/ profession you are in today? I grew up in a real estate family, I took real estate in college as an elective to get my New Jersey license, and then placed my license with the same firm I am still with today. I learned every avenue of the industry, including putting up for lease signs on weekends when I was in high school for our company. I always found such gratification growing up watching how the industry worked and remembering a few things from some of the senior guys which never left me, and that was the simple fact of how many jobs we can create for a community but placing a retailer somewhere, and also the aspect of simply bringing something of need to a certain market and being part of helping grow a community. What were some of your early goals and did any- thing happen to change them? Early on goals were specific to what landlords and tenant accounts I can represent, and where I could monetarily end up. As the years go by, and family grows, my goals shifted to being able to and continue to grow my career to give me

the flexibility and timing to be there and do as much as I can with my children. What challenges and or obstacles do you feel you needed to overcome to

become as successful as you are today? Early challenges were being in my mid 20s and working hours that seemed endless, and seemed to not financially

SHANE WIERKS VP Retail Advisory KYLE GOWOREK Retail Leasing Specialist C: 908.581.7781 O: 908.668.9600 EXT . 209 C: 201.978.1770 O: 908.668.9600 EXT . 218

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