August 2024

M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Thriving Under 40 — August 2024 — 19

T hriving U nder 40

business was unclear. My new role assured that The Com- pany is going to be around for a long time and continue to be a real presence in the world of Real Estate Development. Who do you feel was most influential in your life when choosing this profession? I started my career as a healthcare investment bank- er. Strangely enough, the healthcare group at UBS was involved in the healthcare REIT related transactions. I had spent my time helping sell, acquire, and raise capital for operating business that were in a sense intangible. I remember on the first REIT deal I worked on touring prop- erties in Amarillo, Texas. See- ing physical real assets struck me to have a sense of purpose and permanence. Being able to physically touch deals that I work on is unique to this busi- ness. The development side of this business requires such high political acumen along with business acumen. Those two aspects of the business are what drew me. What outside activities do you enjoy during you

free time? Outside of time with my wife and kids, I race cars in professional series around the US and Europe. Driving race cars is more physics and strategy than it is a pure adrenaline rush. It is a great way to escape work and reset. It is easy to be on your phone reading emails anywhere you are these days. But if you lose focus for a split second in a race car there are serious consequences. For me that level of focus is a feeling I chase. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young executive graduat- ing from college today? My first piece of advice is that it is more than ok to be wrong, as long as you ap- proach situations with objec- tiveness. My second piece is Do not be afraid to do things differently. There are basic skillsets that are an impor- tant baseline for everyone in a certain profession to be proficient in but let be the end of the standard playbook. How you apply those skills and mesh them with unique perspectives and contrarian ideas create success. MAREJ

The other aspect I think goes a long way with people is be- ing accessible. I am available by phone to almost anyone business related. There are no hoops to get through to get my attention, keeping it though requires a bit more work. What challenges and or obstacles do you feel you needed to overcome to be- come as successful as you are today? Growing up there were per- sonality traits of mine that used to get me in trouble in school. It is strange because it was instilled in me at a young age that tapping into that side of my personality and psyche was not a good thing. I eventu- ally learned that what served me poorly at a young age actu- ally served me very well later in life. It was challenging to reprogram myself to lean into those traits’ vs. suppress them. What was the most defining moment for you? Taking over as CEO a year ago. The transformation of Lincoln Equities Group over the years has been quite sig- nificant. Prior to a clear suc - cession plan, the future of the continued from page 18

“Real Estate is a business of real assets and with that comes the importance of people.” — Lance Bergstein, Lincoln Equities

Few of my Favorite Things College: Baruch College Book: When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead Movie: The Usual Suspects Sports Team: New York Rangers Sport: Auto Racing Food: French Restaurant: John’s of Bleecker Street Hobby:

Professional Race Car Driver If you could dine with anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose? Billy Joel


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THOMAS F. MONAHAN Vice Chairman +1 201 712 5610

LARRY SCHIFFENHAUS Executive Vice President +1 201 712 5809

BRIAN GOLDEN Executive Vice President +1 201 712 5607


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