August 2024

22 — August 2024 — Thriving Under 40 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal

T hriving U nder 40

Leo Van Buskirk, CPA, Ross Langford, and Selwyn Simpson Spotlight on Lee & Associates Leaders Shaping the Future of Real Estate

Leo Van Buskirk, CPA Senior Associate Lee & Associates of Eastern PA Years with company/firm: 3 Years in field: 3 Years in real estate industry: 3

What is your most notable project, deal or trans- action ? The Junction | Pittsburgh, PA. Team (Paul Fedorko & Ross Langford) Lowest cap rate, highest price psf of any multi-tenant retail investment sale in Pittsburgh, PA. Who or what has been the strongest influence in your career? The strongest influence in my career has been my partner, Paul Fedorko and my father, Ross Langford. What impact has social media/networking had on your career? Social media is an exceptionally powerful tool that’s widely accessible and essential in today’s world. It connects me with fellow profes- sionals globally and simplifies the process of network - ing. To plainly put it, social media has enhanced my ability to connect, learn, and advance in my career. What is your greatest professional accomplish- ment ? CBRE Rising Star (2020) - Top associate Ross Langford Vice President Lee & Associates of Western PA Years with company/firm: 1.6 Years in field: 5 Years in real estate industry: 5 Real estate organizations/affiliations: ICSC, NAIOP Developing Leader

Selwyn Simpson Senior Associate Lee & Associates of Eastern PA Years with company/firm: 3 Years in field: 3 Years in real estate industry: 4

What is your greatest professional accomplish- ment? CPA License. What is your most notable project, deal or transaction? Ollie’s Bargain Outlet (4th Distribu- tion Center) – Princeton, Illinois Site Selection Team Project (John Van Buskirk, Bill Shrader, Leo Van Buskirk) What impact has social media/networking had on your career? Networking within your industry is important, but networking outside of your immedi- ate sphere has had the most impact on me. Venturing into different worlds teaches new skills, introduces new perspectives, and better equips me to support clients (especially the user/corporate clients). Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in, about your cur- rent position and why you choose the field/ profession you are in today: Before real estate, I was a public accountant working for EY’s Risk Advisory Practice in DC. Following that, I joined

How do you contribute to your company and / or the industry? It’s important to contribute by staying active in the market, bringing energy to the office, and engaging with others throughout the industry. Who or what has been the strongest influence in your career? My parents are my greatest influ - ence. Both of them moved to the United States from Jamaica in their teenage years and taught me the importance of hard work from a young age. What impact has social media/networking had on your career? LinkedIn and other social media platforms have helped me connect with people across my community, state, and country. It provides op- portunities for networking both within and outside the industry, playing a key role in building my brand and expanding my network. Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in, about your cur- rent position and why you choose the field/ profession you are in today? Started my real estate career right after graduating from Lafayette

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