Ablaze Spring 2024

had a ring of hair going around his head, it reminded her of a hair halo. The statue was holding something in his hands but Francesca couldn’t see what it was from far away. While Teresa prayed, Francesca slid through the crowds of people; she suddenly noticed the unpleasant stench. As Francesca got closer she soon realized what he was holding, bread. She instantly knew who he was. Francesca learned about saints during Catholic classes. Before she had time to make it any closer, she felt a hand on her shoulder; Teresa. Yes, Francesca thought to herself, park time. Once they got outside under the archway, the bustling city took over the deaf - ening silence. Though Francesca was excited for the park, she couldn’t resist a good question. “Nonna, why Saint Anthony? Did all of those people lose something?” Teresa looked down at Francesca and lifted the corner of her mouth slightly. Yes, she nodded. 5 On their way to the park Francesca couldn’t help but notice that Teresa continued to pray her rosary. Francesca knew this meant no questions. When they got to the park entrance, Teresa put her beads away; she liked to keep all attention on Francesca. They always had the same routine: slide, monkey bars then sprinkler; but today Francesca couldn’t help wanting to try the swings. Francesca liked the swings, but did not care for the fact that Teresa always had to push her and she couldn’t jump off like all the other kids did. Instead of heading to glistening aluminum slide, Francesca pulled Teresa to the swings. As she sat on the swing seat, she couldn’t help but notice Nonna lean against the metal pole instead of her normal position directly behind her. Teresa noticed the confusion and fear in Francesca’s eyes and made her way in front of her. Teresa then grabbed Francesca’s puny ankles and pulled her legs forward and back, showing her the motion of how to swing on the swings by yourself. At first, Francesca’s little legs didn’t get her anywhere. She tried pumping her knees forward and back but she couldn’t seem to do them both and get the


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