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the British Veterinary Association said they are considering changing their position on horse racing after what erm we brought attention to. Yes can I, sorry, sorry, Ben, I am going to press you on this. Can I just ask you again, how confident are you that your actions tomorrow going to put horses in danger? It not our actions putting; what is putting horses in danger, is the is the running, that horse are being made to run er a race with a jockey on their back and being whipped and being dragged around by a metal bit in their mouth. That, that is what puts horses in danger. pe- we, so and and in answ- in direct answer to your question is people running out, directly in f ront of horses running it, yeah. OK. For the moment, thank you very much indeed. That is er Ben Newman f rom Animal Rising group. So the er taking place, the oaks is taking place today, of course actually and the Derby takes place tomorrow. Let us go live

Speaker 1

Ben Newman

Speaker 1


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