The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.11

38 The Fundamentals history makes us acquainted, there is, of course, no need for redemption; and if there is no need for redemption, there could, of course, be no ransom, or Redeemer, and an atone­ ment is theologically and philosophically absurd. If there is no special creation, and man is a mere evolution from some frog or horse or anthropoid, why, of course, there can be no talk of atonement. If there is no storm and nobody is drowning, why on earth should anyone launch a lifeboat! I f the wages of sin is not death, what evangel is there in the death of Christ for sin and sinners? After reading, with every attempt to be sympathetic, the works of the modern theological thought leaders in Great Britain and the United States, we seriously conclude that mod­ ernism .is in essence the sophism of which Paul speaks in 1 Cor. 1:19-22; Rom. 1 :22; Col. 2 :8 , and 1 Tim. 6:20. III. THE EVANGELICO-ECCLESIASTICAL THE CONSENSUS OF ALL THE CHURCHES When we turn to this subject as set forth in the standards of the representatives of the leading Protestant churches, it is refreshing to find what substantial unity there is among them. In all the Creeds dnd Church Confessions the death of Christ is set forth as the central fact of Christianity; for it ought to be remembered that the Reformed Churches accepted equally with the Roman Church the historic platform of the three great creeds, and that in all these creeds that subject stands pre-eminent. In the Apostles’ Creed, for instance, there is not the slightest mention of Christ’s glorious example as a man, or of the works and words of His marvelous life. All is passed over, in order that the faith of the Church in all ages may at once be focused upon His sufferings and His death. And as to the various doctrinal standards, a reference to the Articles of the Church of England, or the Westminster Confession of Faith, or the Methodist, or Baptist formularies of belief, at once shows that the atonement is treated as one

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