The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.11

before Him the work of “ T h e F undam entals ” and of the Committee to which the Two Christian Laymen have entrusted the editing and publishing of these volumes. We earnestly request other men and women who know God to join this circle of prayer in order that in answer to believing and united prayer the truth may have new power and that a world-wide revival of religion may be begun and grow. I t was the original plan of the Two Laymen who gave the money for this work that there should be twelve volumes of “T h e F undam entals ” issued: so there remains but one vol­ ume to be issued. Prayer is desired that wisdom may be given to the Committee in the selection of the material for the final volume. A wide; desire is manifested that “T h e F u n d am en ­ tals ” be continued in some way after the issue of the twelve volumes. Probably essentially the same work will be continued in some form, but that form has not yet been decided upon. All editorial correspondence should be addressed to the Executive Secretary of The Fundamentals, 1945 La France Avenue, South Pasadena, California. There, is no desire, how­ ever, for the submission of manuscripts by anybody unless specific request for such manuscript is made. We can use but few more manuscripts, and some are already in hand. All business correspondence should be addressed to the Testimony Publishing Company, 808 North La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. (See Publishers’ Notice, Page 127.)

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