The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.11

62 The Fundamentals fully, though he did not know who Cyrus was. Two centuries later Cyrus appeared and then-issued his proclamation which fulfilled Isaiah’s prediction. Higher criticism denies the gen­ uineness of all this. In order to disprove this prophecy as well as others, they declare that Isaiah did not write the book which bears his name. For about 2500 years no one ever thought of even suggesting that Isaiah is not the author of the book. They have invented an unknown person, whom they call Deutero-Isaiah, i. e., a second Isaiah. They claim that he wrote chapters 40-66. With this they have not stopped. They speak now of a third Isaiah, a Trito-Isaiah, as they call him. With their supposed learning they claim to have dis­ covered that some of the chapters of Isaiah were written in Babylon and others in Palestine. However, all the arguments, advanced by the critics for a composite authorship and against one Isaiah who lived and wrote his book at the time specified in the beginning of Isaiah, are disproven by the book itself. One only needs to study this book to find out the unity of the message. One person must be the author of the Book of Isaiah. A REMARKABLE CHAPTER The Pentateuch contains many of the prophecies con­ cerning the future history of the Jews. One of the most remarkable chapters is the twenty-eighth chapter in Deuter­ onomy. I t is one of the most solemn chapters in the Pentateuch. Orthodox Hebrews read in their synagogues each year through the entire five books of Moses. When they read this chapter, the Rabbi reads in a subdued voice. And well may they read it softly and ponder over it, for here is pre-written the sad and sorrowful history of their wonderful nation. Here thousands of years ago the Spirit of God through Moses outlined the history of the scattered nation, all their suffering and tribula­ tion, as it has been for well nigh two millenniums and as it is

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