Trimetys Group - Annual Report 2020

Our strategy


tominimise redundancies and closures. Moreover, a mandatory Moreover, the mandatory 14-dayquarantineperiodwas imposed on any inbound visitors to the islandanda “premiumvisa”programme hasbeenlaunchedtoattract longer-term visitors to “COVID- safe” Mauritius. The announcement of the reopening of our borders to international travellershasalso offered a glimmer of hope to the sector TrimetysHospitalityhasnot beenspared fromthewrath of the global pandemic. The cluster proved its flexibility at the peak of the crisis. The Group generated revenue from the use of Be Cosy Apart’ Hotel as a quarantine centre in the first few months of the spread of the virus inMauritius. Recently, theGovernment has requisitioned 900 hotel rooms for quarantining locals. Given our previous experience in offering such services, we believe this represents an opportunity for the Group.

In spite of the economic downturn, TekomaBoutikHotel underwentmajor renovations in 2020, increasing its room capacity from 15 to 32. Rodrigues became an increasingly popular desti- nation among Mauritians after lifting of the f irst national lockdown f rom mid-May onwards. Mourouk Ebony Hotel and Tekoma Boutik Hotel have been fully operational in the second half of 2020, in contrast to other hotel operators in Mauritius, which strug- gled to open or attract customers. The Group’s diversification strategy proved to be rewarding in the current context. Reflecting Trimetys’ sense of constant dynamism, 2020 was a year where the Hospitality cluster fostered innovation. The new PLAY mourouk brand came into existence with an entirely new identity for Mourouk Ebony Hotel. The property is scheduled to close down in 2021 for a complete revamp and reopening in 2022.

For themost part of 2020, tourismsector has facedunparalleledchallengeswhich are still unresolved and could very well pose a threat to the very existence of the sector. The pandemic’s adverse impact on tourism – which remains a key pillar of theMauritian economywith an 18.8% contribution to GDP a year before the adversities of COVID-19 – has a spillover effect on sectors like transport, agri- culture, fishery and entertainment. It has been reported that the closure of borders has resulted in a sharp decline of up to 80% inworldwide international travel in 2020. In Mauritius, there were only 401 tourist arrivals in the period from April to August 2020, compared to 520,500 the previous year. Government intervention was inevita- ble in this sector andmuch support has been provided to industry stakeholders

of expertise and brand loyalty vis-à-vis new market entrants.


Sports & Leisure

Rather than deepening the wound in themidst of national economic turmoil, the Agribusiness cluster brought in its fair share of innovation to Trimetys Group in 2020 through: • the launch of La Maison Paysanne as the umbrella brand for all the activities of the cluster;

COVID-19 seems to have accelerated the surge in the agribusiness sector in Mauritius. Agri hubs promoting organ- ic cultivation are sprouting around the island. This shift in spending habits is greatly due to increased awareness of eco-friendly consumption/produc- tionmethods. Additionally, with global benchmarks suchas theUNSustainable Development Goals, shareholders are increasingly pushing for companies to adopt environmentally f riendly approaches towards value creation. Sustainable development has always been one of the pillars of Trimetys’ core values. Thewell-establishedAgribusiness clus- ter of theGroup is set toundergo a busi- nessmodel re-engineering. A relocation of its existing free-range poultry farm is planned for 2021/2022. Negotiations withbanks, business partners andbuild- ing contractors are well on track. The new facility will boost production to 22,000 chickens per month. Le Poulet Fermier Ltée, as the pioneer of large- scale free-range chicken production, is protectedbyaneconomicmoat in terms

The Sports & Leisure cluster of Trimetys was not sparedby the impact of COVID- 19. Riverland Sports Club remains the “health hub” bringing life to the heart of Tamarin. Despite being closed for over two months due to the 2020 lock- down, the club managed to retain its membershipbase as a result of prompt and effective strategic decisions. The increasing consensus among thepopu- lationaround the importance of healthy living has also contributed to quickly finding a secure footing again. Initiatives for the year included a spon- sorship deal agreed with RM Club and Necker Gestion Privée for the club’s annual landmark tennis open brand- ed this year as the Necker Tennis Open and the launch of a tennis association registered with the Mauritius Tennis Federation. We are confident that 2021 promises to be a year full of exciting developments and opportunities amidst a constantly changing environment.

the development of new produc- tion lines including free-rangeduck and pork raising in Mare Longue, honeyproductionaswell as organic fruit and vegetable cultivation in Mare Longue and Tamarin; and pilot projects for duck and honey production have been launched in the 4th quarter of 2020. Both have been successful and have gener- ated consequential sales, also evidenced Cap Tamarin's market every Saturday.

Trimetys abides by its commitment to sustainable and inclusivedevelopment. Wefirmlybelieve that aligningour vision with that of our consumers by placing them at the centre of environmentally aware consumptionwill help us contri­ bute to a greener Mauritius.


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