The Sixth Annual NASTAR Awards Program

Kelsey Elias is a grade 1 teacher at Cornwell Avenue who has played a key role in integrating instructional technology in the West Hempstead School District. She uses instructional technology to support diverse learners in her classroom, engaging them in high-level thinking activities with tools like Seesaw and Book Creator, while sharing their work with an authentic audience using technology. Ms. Elias understands the importance of blending foundational literacy skills with technology to promote mastery of concepts. She has become a teacher leader in her building, supporting other teachers in using Seesaw and Book Creator. This year, the grade 1 students will continue their publishing unit, using Book Creator to publish their writing and hosting a "Meet the Author" event with the kindergarten center via Google Meet. Ms. Elias goes above and beyond integrating technology and has been instrumental in the rollout of Cornwell Avenue's digital portfolio. Her students develop strong digital literacy, citizenship, and fluency skills that they carry with them throughout their school careers. Cornwell Avenue is honored to select Ms. Elias as our NASTAR to represent the RamFamily. We recognize Ms. Victoria Galante for her exemplary leadership and steadfast commitment to the technology department that has profoundly impacted Glen Cove’s entire education community. Under her astute financial stewardship, the district has seen the yearly implementation of technology-related initiatives and tools that transformed the way students learn and teachers teach. Ms. Galante has made tough decisions when balancing budgets and foreseeing future needs, and under her leadership the technology department has thrived. Every successful program, student Chromebook, and classroom smartboard has been successfully implemented because of her belief in the transformative power of technology. Her careful planning has ensured the availability and sustainability of these tools through the efficient allocation of resources. Ms. Galante is Glen Cove’s 2024 NASTAR, and we would like to acknowledge and thank her for her contributions and ongoing commitment to excellence in supporting our technology department.


west hempstead ufsd Teacher of grade one


Glen Cove CSD Assistant Superintendent

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