Abbey Lens complete 2023-24


BBEY LENS November 2023 Vol 10: Issue No. Thirteen Excellence Through Partnership


Speak when spoken to! Back to the past.

LIVING MUSEUM Year 1 recently embarked on an unforgettable journey through time at the Black Country Living Museum! Over the course of two action-packed days, these young time travellers delved into the fascinating world of the Victorian era, immersing themselves in the sights, sounds and experiences of the past. Their adventure began with a visit to the Victorian School Room, where strict teachers and ink-stained desks transported them back to a bygone era of education. They experienced firsthand the discipline and rigour of Victorian schooling, gaining a newfound appreciation for their modern classrooms. Next, the students explored the House and Homes exhibit marvelling at the quaint interiors and discovering how different life was for families in the past. From coal fires to washboards, they uncovered the challenges and simplicity of Victorian domestic life. Toys Past and Present brought laughter and joy as the students compared their high-tech gadgets with the simple toys of yesteryear. They discovered the power of imagination and creativity, realising that fun can be found in the simplest of playthings. Finally, Toy Handling provided a hands-on experience as the children got to touch and play with authentic Victorian toys. They discovered the craftsmanship and nostalgia of these cherished playthings, bridging the gap between generations. As they bid farewell to the Black Country Living Museum, the students returned to the present with a newfound appreciation for the comforts and advancements of modern life. They had walked in the footsteps of their Victorian counterparts, gaining a deeper understanding of history and the progress that has shaped our world.

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