Abbey Lens complete 2023-24



Excellence Through Partnership

May 2024

Vol 10: Issue No. Forty three

Silver! Fab Football

EXCELLENT ATTITUDE On the 17th of April a group of year 5 & 6 girls travelled to WBA’s Indoor Dome to compete in a Girls’ football tournament. All of the girls have previously attended Girls’ Football club after school and some have also attended the mixed football club with WBA afterschool too. They were very keen to show off their skills! Their attitude was excellent throughout the day. They worked very hard to win their first match and this gave them a huge boost of confidence. They went on to play against all 7 schools and finished the tournament unbeaten in all seven games. They finished the day by beating the overall tournament winners, in their final game, and took home the silver medal. A fantastic time was had by all. Well done Girls!

Thanks to Miss Hinton for the story.

CHARITY Hazel & Alice in 4P have been making and selling bracelets to raise money for the WWF! Great work!

Thanks to Hazel’s mum for the story.

[Ed - Really proud of you!]

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