Successful people take 100 % responsibility for their own life. I failed many times in my life and my mentor said that I wasn't taking responsibility for my own life. I don’t have to blame the situations, the circumstances for my failures. The decisions we make are our choices, then why blame someone else. Unless and until you take 100 percent responsibility for your own life, you're not going to be successful. And from then on, I learned to take responsibility. So that's habit number one. Take 100 percent responsibility for your own life.
You have to decide exactly what you want. Most people in life don't get what they want because they don't know what they want.
Set a goal now. What is it that you want?
You have to know exactly what you want. Once you know exactly what you want then only you can plan to achieve it. Do we go on a vacation without deciding the destination? Do we take a flight randomly to any place? Then why don’t we think over the journey of our own life?
You have to believe it is possible. That's it. You just have to believe that it is possible not just for others, but for yourself. It's possible for you. Napoleon Hill talks about this in Think and Grow Rich, whatever your mind can conceive and believe you can achieve. And it's very, very true. You have to first believe that you can do it. Highly successful people visualize success. Once you take 100 percent responsibility, that you can make it happen. And you believe that you can make it happen.
I visualize success. I wanted to gift the first copy of my book the legend singer Sonu Nigam. So I cut a page from a magazine that had his picture on it giving an award to someone, I did some Photoshop and made it look like I was gifting him my book and I put it on my vision board. I looked at it every day and I would visualize and visualize it until it becomes so vivid in my mind that I could see it, smell it, feel it. And it happened.
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