Biola Broadcaster - 1968-10


why we must listen and believe what the Saviour Himself has said. He’s the only one whose proper abode is in heaven. Q. Oroville, Calif. — “Did it please the Lord for Abraham to plant a grove in Beersheba for the purpose of worship?” A. Groves were actually planted to give protection from the elements. Later on they were used to hide the most degenerate type of activities carried on in the name of worship. You may be certain that Abraham didn’t plant the grove for that pur­ pose. See Genesis 21:31-33 which clearly reveals that it was in the name of the Lord that this was car­ ried on. It was a place of communion and meditation. Q. Goldendale, Wash. — “Is it right or wrong for the minister to do manual labor? I know one who thought it wrong. He let his wife chop the wood and carry it up the stairs, while he and his son ju st looked on." A. It is hard to imagine that any man, much less a minister, would follow such a practice. This idea is certainly deplorable. There is no rea­ son under the sun why ministers should not do manual labor. We need something of this type just to keep us in physical shape. If a person fol­ lowed a practice such as our writer suggests, it would certainly be a very 21

Q. Seattle, Wash. — “I don’t under­ stand the judgments on the nations. Are the individuals comprising them then judged hvice as individuals be­ fore God as well as members of the ‘goat’ nations?” A. This has troubled many. Matthew 25:31 indicates the Lord’s judging. Judgment is not on the nations as complete blocks. God never does it in this manner. Famine might come on the godly as well as the ungodly. One time for judgment will suffice. Verse 46 would indicate just one judgment. These have no doubt gone through the Battle of Armageddon when Messiah comes. He will purge all things. Any king would have to do some house cleaning. Our Lord will make ready His Kingdom. Q. Bandon, Ore. — “What does Jesus mean in John 3:13? Where are Enoch (Gen. 5:24), and Elijah” (1 Kings 2:11) ?” A. The first passage states that “No man hath ascended up to heaven.” We know Enoch was not, for God took him. Elijah also left this earth without seeing death in the commonly accepted manner. We must first of all understand the context of John 3:13. In the twelfth verse we see that our Lord Jesus Christ came to earth to redeem us and to teach us of heav­ enly things. Christ was saying that no man hath ascended up into heaven to learn of heavenly things. This is

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