life have never been promised to ani mals. As much as we love our pets, we must consider carefully the teach ing of Scripture which does not in clude salvation for these creatures to which we often get so closely at tached. There is no resurrection for animals. Q. Medford, Ore. — “Could you give me help on Revelation 13:1? What does this mean?” A. This opens one of the most inter esting and significant chapters in the book of Revelation. The verse reads, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” The sea represents all humanity. The beast is literally a per sonage or being. Crowns and horns in Scripture represent authority, rule, and dominion. The name of blasphemy identifies this individual as one who is opposed to God. This then shows that this outstanding World figure is the anti-christ. He is the one who ultimately is going to rule during the Tribulation period. In relation to Palestine, he is no doubt also known as the king of the West. We see him again in Daniel 11, and as the abomination of deso lation in Matthew 24. Q. Kent, Wash. — “Since baptism is not necessary for salvation, why is there any need for Christians to be baptized at all?” A. There are numbers of things not required for salvation and yet com manded in Scripture. While we are exhorted to read the Bible, yet our salvation does not depend upon this. The same is true with prayer, wit nessing and church attendance. The redeemed life does have specific things related to it. Baptism is an outward sign to the world of an in ward change of heart. If it were nec
essary to salvation, it would add a work to the already finished atone ment of our Lord Jesus Christ. Chris tians should be baptized because the command of our Lord Jesus is quite explicit (Matt. 28:18-20). We also find baptism in the book of Acts as well as in the New Testament epis tles. It is a part of an obedient Chris tian life. Never forget the inherent symbols in the act of baptism. This is the central focal point of all re demption in history, namely the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:4) Bap tism is also a testimony to the world that one is following Christ. Q. Ukiah, Calif. — “Can I ever be lost once I am saved? I teach a young teens class and this question often comes up. I say ‘No,’ but I do need some Scriptures to back me up.” A. This doctrine is sometimes known as the security of the believer. The Lord Jesus Christ is the One who makes us safe for all eternity. It is not by any works of our own that we are saved, or by which we are kept saved. Salvation is all by grace. Look at such Scriptures as John 3:36; 10:27, 28, and 29, I Peter 1 :5, Ephe sians 2:8-9, Romans 8:31-39. Trace these and other references through the Word and see the wonderful promises of assurance the Lord has given. Q. Santa Maria, Calif. — “Did Queen Esther wear make-up? I ask this, as 1 have an understanding that all the queens back there did.” A. Archaeology does show that the use of cosmetics was quite elaborate in those days. Check Esther 2:8 and 9 where we have the account of what happened after Queen Vashti found disfavor in the eyes of King Aha- suerus. Esther with the other maid ens were gathered together in what must have resembled a royal beauty pageant before the monarch. Esther 23
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