Biola Broadcaster - 1968-10

shall be added unto you.” The moment one receives Christ, true satisfaction of life can be realized.

tified of their having experienced an inner spiritual enlightenment through salvation. So protest is an active posi­ tive affirmation. Never before in the history of our country have Christians been so called upon to bear witness to their faith in Jesus Christ. May we have the courage of our convictions, no matter in what walk of life we may find ourselves, and be ready always to give answer to every man who asketh us.

The only thing a man can really gain before he dies is Heaven.

LIGHT IN THE DARK There is always something forebod­ ing about the dark. Children aren’t the only ones who become fearful when the shades of night hang low. A blind man sat at a street comer in a large city. Always close to his side was a lantern. He was asked why he would bother to have a light since he was unable to see, and everything was dark to him. His answer was very simple. Yet it carries a profound truth for our lives, too. He explained, “I don’t want anyone to stumble over me.” What about our lives? Unless we have the light of life shining forth, others might well trip over us, for people will more readily read us than they will read the Bible itself. This is what Paul meant when he said that we are to be “living epistles of Christ, known and read of all men.” The greatest of talents, the ability to memorize Scripture, being able to sing, to preach, or whatever, will mean very little unless by our con­ sistent lives we commend the Gospel of Christ to others by our holy walk and conversation that they thereby might find eternal life.

He who has no vision of eternity will never get a true hold on time.

SAVING AND LOSING Some scientists believe that in re­ cent years there’s been an increase in the number of floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Carefully charted studies would seem to indicate this is true. The Word of God reveals that preceding the end times there will be an even greater manifestation of these things. Going back through the cen­ turies, a number of interesting discov­ eries from the ancient ruins of Pom­ peii were uncovered. Among them was the remains of one who had perished while in the act of gathering in her apron, rings, bracelets, and other valu­ able articles of jewelry. Quite possibly, some wealthy citizens, aware of the coming destruction through the erup­ tion, had, fled, leaving these things be­ hind. Certainly they were worthless in the light of sparing their lives. This poor greedy soul had hoped to save both, delaying her flight to scoop up as much stolen plunder as possible. As a result, both jewels and life were lost. What a parable for today’s afflu­ ent society! So many people are spend­ ing their lives acquiring things of earthly value, without any concern for that which alone has real lasting eter­ nal worth. The Bible exhorts us, “Sow to yourself in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it. is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you” (Hos. 10:12). The Lord Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things

Living without faith is like driving in the fog.

SIGHTING THE WRONGS The political picture is heightening with activity every passing day. There are some tremendously vital issues at stake. Think of the difficult moral and spiritual problems to be seen in every part of the globe! A father, wanting to amuse his son, clipped out a picture of a world map from the newspaper. Cut­ ting it into irregular pieces, he mixed them all up and told thé boy to see how quickly he could reassemble the hodge-


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