Biola Broadcaster - 1968-10

heard in his life. But when all is said and done, it remains true that this new, divine seed remains in the believer, and that it is impossible for it to produce sin. That is the meaning of verse 9. What is theo­ retically true of every believer, should be practically shown forth in our WHO'S IN HEAVEN? When you get to heaven You will likely view Many folks whose presence there Will be a shock to you.

10. The first half of this verse sums up the truth set forth in verses 8 and 9. In verse 8, we have the out-and- out characteristic nature of the sin­ ner; in verse 9, the nature of the believer. The one is a sinful, the other a sinless nature; the one is of the devil, the other of God. The one is marked by rebellion and lawless­ ness ; the other by obedience and sub­ mission. The second part of verse 10, on the contrary, does not show the active devilish, or the active divine nature, but rather the negative con­ dition of the sinner—what he does not do. As has been said before, many who are not deliberately living wicked lives, yet lack divine right­ eousness and love. A believer, in con­ trast, not only does not exhibit the devil’s loathsome pride and self-will, but also does show forth righteous­ ness and love. He does love his broth­ er. Righteousness and love are the marks of a true Christian. Love as verse 11 now states, is the message

But keep very quiet Do not even stare; Doubtless there’ll be many folks Surprised to see you there.

lives; sin should be kept under and the life of God lived. We can only do so by walking in daily dependence upon God, as our Lord set us the example in His wonderful life down here. We have already referred to verse

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