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Trail Mix Fun Facts: Trail mix is a type of snack mix, specifically a combination of dried fruit, nuts, and sometimes chocolate, developed as a food to be taken along on hikes. • Trail mix has been eaten by Native Americans for thousands of years, and originally included buffalo meat. • August 31 is National Trail Mix Day. • The combination of nuts, raisins and chocolate as a trail snack dates at least to the 1910s, when outdoorsman Horace Kephart recommended it in his popular camping guide. • Some believe that trail mix was first invented in 1968 by two California surfers who blended peanuts and raisins together for an energy snack. • In Australia and New Zealand they call trail mix Scroggin. • Trail mix is also called GORP (Good Old Raisins and Peanuts or Granola, Oats, Raisins, and Peanuts). • According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the verb gorp, means “to eat greedily.” • Trail mix is featured in Jack Kerouac’s iconic 1958 novel The Dharma Bums.

Trail Mix Recipe INGREDIENTS • 1 cup raw almonds • 3/4 cup raw cashews • 2 tbsp unsweetened dried cranberries, chopped • 2 tbsp vegan dark chocolate chips • sea salt for taste DIRECTIONS Chop any large ingredients if necessary to make everything about the same size. Give the dried fruit a light sprinkle of sea salt before you mix it in (it sticks better), or sprinkle the whole mix with salt if you prefer. Combineall ingredients inabowlandenjoy!Store inanairtightcontainer for up to 2 weeks. • 2/3 cup raw pumpkin seeds • 1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds

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