Alleyn Club Yearbook 2018

numerous commitments at the College, Rick was also a governor of Bickley Park School, he coached fives at Alleyn’s school and was a referee for the RFU. Rick was a proud Old Bedfordian throughout his life. Former Deputy Master, Simon Northcote-Green wrote about Rick for the Alleynian in 2000 and this obituary was drawn from that article and the Order of Service from Rick’s funeral and Terry Walsh’s address at that service. Derek Dennis William Yardley [1949-54] 20.12.1937 – 14.01.2013 Derek Yardley was from Deansfield Junior School in Eltham and at the College he was in Spenser. When he left Dulwich, he wanted to become a sea pilot but soon discovered he was colour blind and had to rethink his career path. To give him time to choose a new career, he decided to do National Service and spent most of the next three years stationed at Bramley Camp in North Hampshire. After finishing his stint of National Service, Derek became an Analytical Chemist and was appointed to work at AWE in Aldermaston, Berkshire. His job entailed determining the impurities in materials using analytical instruments and chemistry, which was a form of quality control. He then moved on to compiling databases of these results for reference purposes. He remained with AWE for his entire working career of 45 years. He married Dorothy in 1959 in Eltham and they had four daughters: Sandra, Christine, Elizabeth and Alice, who subsequently gave them five the son of a bus conductor from Eltham, in South- East London. He came to Dulwich

tea and champagne, in the Pump Rooms at Bath. His strong Christian faith sustained him throughout his long life and he always spoke fondly of his years at Dulwich. His daughter, Sarah Davies, contributed significantly to this obituary. Frederick Robert Frank (Rick) Wilson [Staff, 1970-2000] 24.09.1940 – 11.02.2017 had a strong relationship with his grandfather, and used to speak fondly of the times they shared together, particularly recently following the arrival of his own grandsons, Oscar and Jake. He was educated at Bedford School before going to Edinburgh University, where he established a life-long passion for modern languages, particularly French, and also for the sport of rugby fives. From Edinburgh, he went to Leeds university to gain his PGCE and then went straight into teaching at Oswestry School in Shropshire. After five years at Oswestry School, Rick was appointed at Dulwich in 1970. In addition to teaching French, he also threw himself into other aspects of school life, including being housemaster of The Orchard boarding house for ten years, and particularly sport, coaching numerous rugby and cricket teams for years. Notable achievements include reaching the finals of the Rosslyn Park Sevens in 1974 and 1976 and winning the All England Sevens with the Colts in 1995. He coached the 3rd XV squad for his last three years at the College, and the Under 12s for the last six Rick Wilson was born in Bedford and raised by his mother Margaret, after his father died in the war. He also

years, even though a troublesome hip made it painful for his eager spirit to operate. He also started coaching the OA rugby teams in 1986, reaching the Surrey Cup Final in that year and winning it in 1989 and 1992. The OAs also became London Division Two Champions in 1989. The club honoured his contribution by awarding him the Pettifer plate and an Honours cap. His Super Supporters Club raised over £80,000 for the club. Rick was also a cricket coach, coaching the Under 14s for twenty-six years, and 1st XI in 1991 while Nick Cousins was away on an exchange year. He also was appointed overseer of all games at the school, which entailed liaising with other schools to fix the sporting calendar for both external as well as internal fixtures well in advance. Details of fixtures had to include transport and catering. He was also housemaster of Drake between 1972 and 1981, three years in the middle school, and six years in the upper school. He was a particular fan of the game of Fives. As an undergraduate, he had been secretary of the Edinburgh University club, as a postgraduate he represented Leeds in the UAU competition in 1964, and as a veteran he was runner-up in the National veterans’ doubles in 1986 with Eric Marsh and again in 1995. He was elected Rugby Fives President from 1991 to 1993 and served on the RFA Committee for twenty years. Teaching at Oswestry allowed Rick to meet and fall in love with Beryl. They married in April 1970, shortly after he was appointed to Dulwich. Three children followed: Pippa, James and Beth who started their lives in The Orchard boarding house, and the whole family has fond memories of an enjoyable time spent there. In 1988, the Wilson family all moved to Elmcourt Rd near Tulse Hill. In addition to his wide-ranging and


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