Action 3: MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) Supporting the highest risk victims of domestic abuse
Outcome: To reduce all recorded crime by 2% (from 5750 crimes) To reduce repeat victims of domestic abuse through access to New Era services.
To reduce serious violence, including violence against women and girls by 2% (from 115 crimes) To maintain the high level of feeling of safety during the day (88%) and improve the feeling of safety after dark (67%)
Responsible Lead Agency Staffordshire Police Budget to support : Locality Deal Fund to reduce the number of repeat victims of domestic abuse Smart Water for victims of domestic abuse; emergency mobile phones; contribution to local authority “Stay Safe Scheme” for target hardening measures.
Partnership Priorities
Police: Violence- including VAWG, other violence
Weekly: Ongoing
Drug dealing, drug use and the related harm caused
CSP Priorities: Serious Violence – includes domestic violence, serious violence, stranger violence and VAWG Other considerations for CSP: Health and Wellbeing: Mental Health in young people and adults, Learning Disability and Autism
PFCC Community Safety Priorities: A flexible and responsive service Reducing offending and reoffending Supporting victims and witnesses Preventing harm and protecting people
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