The Partnership aims to make South Staffordshire a safer place to live, work and visit and operates under the umbrella themes of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) for Staffordshire:
• A flexible and responsive service - Understand and deal with what matters to communities, respond promptly to incidents and work with partners to solve problems, to prevent them from getting worse and to reduce Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), make the roads safer and increase confidence in Staffordshire Police. • Reducing offending and reoffending – Support and challenge people to make life choices that will prevent them from offending and prevent perpetrators from reoffending which in turn will mean fewer victims of crime. • Supporting victims and witnesses - Ensure victims and witnesses are provided with exceptional specialist support services so they feel able to cope and recover from the impact of crime and ASB. • Preventing harm and protecting people - Prevent harm and protect people, particularly children and those that are vulnerable to domestic abuse; sexual assault and abuse; drug and alcohol misuse; exploitation; harmful sexual behaviour; hate crime; road crime; online fraud, cybercrime or ASB, by ensuring they are appropriately safeguarded and receive the help and support they need through prevention programmes and early intervention initiatives.
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